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Old October 2nd, 2017, 12:18 AM
I am sorry for not replying sooner, I have been very busy as of the last few weeks. I do have some updates that I am working on, but the next set of updates has some fairly major (and hard to implement without breaking other things) issues I am addressing.

I am sorry you are having trouble getting these to work, I don't really know how to further help you without screenshots or the exact errors that are you are encountering.

If you could give those I or another person can further assist you.
Also, in response some content that is required for the supplements and 3.x campaign settings are contained within the 3.5 Conversion pack because those materials can conceivably be used for other content. Perhaps, I should move it to the primary book it is associated with and then additionally source it to the 3.5 content. But I thought having it at the top was better.

The spell you are referring to is Protection from Negative Energy, I think required for a domain. I cannot remember exactly off the top of my head.
TobyFox2002 is offline   #141 Reply With Quote
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Old October 3rd, 2017, 06:06 AM

I am currently working on the next major update to my community content. There are some fairly large structural changes coming down the pipe. Most of which are taking up the majority of my time.

The primary change that you will see is a quality of life alteration on how the major races are displaced in the race/monster selection.

Humans, Elves, Half-Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Halflings Orcs. Since there are different variations within the various sources that are part of this update and there are some people who like to mix and match content as as much as I do. I am disabling ALL of the subraces. My files will exclusively use ONE RACE for each of the above listed major race.

Ethnicities will be used to select which subrace you desire to use. I will not be removing the race from my files so you shouldn't notice any problem with your existing files. But they will be given the HELPER.OBSOLETE tag so they cannot be selected. You can then select the race you wish and add the ethnicity to it. As for races that already have ethnicity options, such as humans... Well they may gain some new options.

The second major change will be with the FRCS REGION mechanic. I have recieved ALOT of complaints about how regions and traits work. I am REMOVING the FRCS REGION racial special. And replacing it with one that will allow you to choose a region directly from your BACKGROUND tab instead of having to go to the Traits and sort through the massively overbloated traits.

Nothing will change except that you will no longer need (nor be able) to manually add regional traits, as they will be hidden from the trait list.

Those are the two major updates that are on my agenda. They are taking up a massive amount of time because I want to minimize the impact to everyone around. I do not have any kind of ETA yet, and I will keep everyone up to date.

Eventually, when I have more of this functional I will post a ZIP file on drop box for anyone who wishes to test this out.

Happy Gaming!
TobyFox2002 is offline   #142 Reply With Quote
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Old November 15th, 2017, 02:56 PM
HI Toby, I am having problems with your data packages since I installed Ultimate Wilderness.

Here are the errors
The data files could not be loaded due to errors. Hero Lab will now attempt to load them in recovery mode. Once loaded, you can access the editor as normal to correct any errors.

The following errors occurred:

File: 3.5 - PF Convert - Frostburn.user (line 903) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('fMountaine') - found in '3.5 - PF Convert - Frostburn.user', 'built-in packages'
File: Forgotten Realms - Shining South.user (line 293) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('fCoverTrac') - found in 'Forgotten Realms - Shining South.user', 'built-in packages'
File: Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting - Feats.user (line 12) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('fForester') - found in 'Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting - Feats.user', 'built-in packages'
One or more timing errors were identified. Please review the timing report and correct the errors. You can access the report under the 'Develop' menu or by clicking this link.
Kaleb is offline   #143 Reply With Quote
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Old November 15th, 2017, 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by Kaleb View Post
HI Toby, I am having problems with your data packages since I installed Ultimate Wilderness.

Here are the errors
The data files could not be loaded due to errors. Hero Lab will now attempt to load them in recovery mode. Once loaded, you can access the editor as normal to correct any errors.

The following errors occurred:

File: 3.5 - PF Convert - Frostburn.user (line 903) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('fMountaine') - found in '3.5 - PF Convert - Frostburn.user', 'built-in packages'
File: Forgotten Realms - Shining South.user (line 293) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('fCoverTrac') - found in 'Forgotten Realms - Shining South.user', 'built-in packages'
File: Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting - Feats.user (line 12) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('fForester') - found in 'Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting - Feats.user', 'built-in packages'
One or more timing errors were identified. Please review the timing report and correct the errors. You can access the report under the 'Develop' menu or by clicking this link.
I will try and take care of those as soon as I can, in the mean time you should be able to rename them and get things working again on your end.

I will probably be renaming them to fFBMtneer, fFRCovrTrk, fFRForest respectively. The timing error will hopefully go away when the feat conflicts vanish. I will have to find a copy of the files everyone else has if I want to upload a fix for this, that will probably take more time than I have before this weekend. But I will do my very best to get all of this fixed as fast as I can.

Thank you for informing me of the conflict, now I need to pass out, been up a bit more than 24 hours.
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Old November 18th, 2017, 08:20 PM
I am now aware of this issue.

Will have an update fixed by the end of the week, I am sorry about the delay. I was currently working on those files and needed to finish what I was doing before I close everything up, pack up and push.

As an FYI, The fix will also contain part one of a multi-part project to combat Race Bloat.

That is... having 7+ variants of the same race if you have multiple sources selected. When I push this you will notice that there will ONLY be a SINGLE elf race available rElf, the default paizo race. And Ethnicities (or subrace) will be used to select which variant you wish to use. That way if you are playing with the faerun rules turned on but your game takes place in um..... the worldwound.. you wont be bombarded with the 8+ varieties of elf.

So far this is only set up to work with elf, not dwarf, halfling etc, but if this works out and doesnt screw up I will be expanding it.

Another thing you will notice is that Faerun knowledge [region] (local) skills have been removed from prerequisite. Instead you only need Knowledge (local). If you still wish to use Knowledge [region] (local), you may do so by enabling regions. I had some complaints about the skills filling up with knowledges (which was a fair point).

Neither of these should be an issue, any existing characters will throw a warning telling you to switch to the new system or enable the proper source. But no information (races or skills) have been removed. I am sorry for the inconvenience this may cause at first. But its all in an effort to streamline the races and skills.

I did not have a chance to fix how regions are applied to heroes, and as of now it will still ask you to add a region even if your character isn't of the proper race on occasion if you have the faerun sources enabled. I am still tried to think of a better way to handle that without creating a new panel to handle regions which I feel is rather wasteful. I might simply remove the FRCS Region racial special and let them add the first region trait for free.
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Old November 21st, 2017, 02:58 AM
I'm looking for someone who has the new Ultimate Wilderness pack to test my updates. Preferably someone who knows a bit about Hero Labs Editor (though not required).

Once that is done, I can get everything uploaded and sent through to everyone. Let me know if you are willing and I'll send you a drop box link, or we can do it through skype or discord to have it done and debug any problems you find on the spot to make for a faster turn around.
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Old November 21st, 2017, 03:14 AM
OK shoot em at me
ErinRigh is offline   #147 Reply With Quote
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Old November 21st, 2017, 07:41 AM
Update: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sc0y77l9lv...dates.xml?dl=1
Enter the above link into your ADD SOURCE for hero labs updates.

I want to thank
ErinRigh for help debugging and SunderedShadow for help debugging and work on the FR Domains Update. Couldn't have done it without their help.

  • Duplicated IDS conflicted with Ultimate Wilderness.
  • A number of Domains did not have granted abilities.
  • A number of Domains had 3.5 spells that used different levels than those in pathfinder. Switched to pathfinder spell.
  • Various Forgotten Realms Elven Races hidden from the race selector.
  • Added Ethnicity (subrace) for Elves for Forgotten Realms, includes all racial specials and vital statistics.
TobyFox2002 is offline   #148 Reply With Quote
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Old November 21st, 2017, 11:18 PM
I loaded the new update and now I get these errors
Hero Lab was forced to stop compilation after the following errors were detected:

Thing 'ioElHorRe' - Bootstrap thing 'sp35Sunbe7' does not exist
Thing 'ioFRAnsHar' - Bootstrap thing 'sp35HeaCr5' does not exist
Thing 'ioFRGlChLa' - Bootstrap thing 'sp35HeaCr5' does not exist
Thing 'ioFROllHar' - Bootstrap thing 'sp35Eyebi6' does not exist
Thing 'isFREntrap' - Bootstrap thing 'sp35OtiRS4' does not exist
Thing 'tmFRChsnBa' - Bootstrap thing 'x35DamRd' does not exist
Thing 'tmFRZinCar' - Bootstrap thing 'x35DamRd' does not exist
Kaleb is offline   #149 Reply With Quote
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Old November 22nd, 2017, 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by Kaleb View Post
I loaded the new update and now I get these errors
Hero Lab was forced to stop compilation after the following errors were detected:

Thing 'ioElHorRe' - Bootstrap thing 'sp35Sunbe7' does not exist
Thing 'ioFRAnsHar' - Bootstrap thing 'sp35HeaCr5' does not exist
Thing 'ioFRGlChLa' - Bootstrap thing 'sp35HeaCr5' does not exist
Thing 'ioFROllHar' - Bootstrap thing 'sp35Eyebi6' does not exist
Thing 'isFREntrap' - Bootstrap thing 'sp35OtiRS4' does not exist
Thing 'tmFRChsnBa' - Bootstrap thing 'x35DamRd' does not exist
Thing 'tmFRZinCar' - Bootstrap thing 'x35DamRd' does not exist
You downloaded the DnD Conversion as well as the forgotten realms material? Anything with 35 or 30 at the start is part of that pack and is required universally.
TobyFox2002 is offline   #150 Reply With Quote

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