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Remove/Edit added sources?

Am I missing something or is there no UI for removing/editing custom sources? A friend of mine entered his new character on my HL and missed that I had already added additional sources from books. So now I'm sitting on multiple copies of added books and it's starting to throw errors because it's trying to pull the same data from two different "sources".
Quick question, which system are you referring to? ^_^ If it has its own forum, you usually get better answers posting there.

If it's Mutants and Masterminds, you can find the list of sources up in the Character menu (I think that's the name... working from memory here) near the bottom. Removing a source can cause minor issues if you've added abilities from that source, but if worse comes to worst, you can always re-add that source and the feat or power in question.
A source will always appear if Hero Lab knows about anything from that source. So to get rid of additional sources from books, you can either simply delete the file containing content from those books, or edit the things so they no longer appear under that source (making them always available).

Does that answer your question?
In d20, and possibly Pathfinder as well, I don't see a way to edit the sources once they've been created (outside of editing the file in notepad or some other kind of text editor). For instance, if you create a new source, and choose the default category of User Content, there isn't a mechanism that allows you to change the category. Maybe this is what he's referring to.
If you want to totally remove an old source, just remove all references to it in the editor, save the affected file(s) and reload the game system. Then you can go back and retag all the appropriate things with the new source you want them to have.