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WH: 8th Ed

have worked out the duplicate for rares and specials it works fine upto 2000 points only allowing 2 rares and 3 specials and the changes over to 4 rares and 6 specials when it should work all the way upto 2999 points for 2 rares and 3 specials and every thing after should be 4 rares and 6 specials
sorry i had to do some checking to see under what circumstance this bug occurs. there does not seem to be a link between the total army points and the validation method. as if you select that you want to create an army list with 5000 points and you put in 5 rares it comes up and says there are two many rares but if you ethier change the points or create a new roster with 2500 points you still have to go up to 5 rares before the validation kicks in when as soon as you hit 3 it should say there is a problem. this goes the same for specials try it.

There is definitely validation for 3000 point plus armies... and it's definitely working for me.
What units have you tested it with?
sorry if i am not explaining myself correctly load army builder and warhamer fantasy v8 now select any army put the points at 2000 and create you roster now and any lord make him you general add all the core you need so you meet all the validation now add 3 rares or 4 specials. it now says [too many of the same (rares or specials)]. now create a new list choose any army but make the points 2001 select a lord make it your general and the appropriate number of core units and now add 3 rares of 4 specials it now does not say anything about having too many rares or specials this is incorrect as even though you are using 2001 points instead of 2000 the rules state that you can only use 2 duplicate rares and 3 duplicate specials upto 2999 points . for 3000 point games or more you are then allowed to use 4 rares and 6 specials


there does not seem to be validation for the three unit rule which states you must have at least three units in you army list does not matter what they are with the exception to heroes for example a grey seer, plague priest and skavenslaves would not meet this rule as there is only one valid unit the skavenslaves but a grey seer, skaven slaves, plague monks and doomwheel would meet the three uint validation as skavenslaves , plague monks and doomwheel are all valid units
~ Work out how many characters we're allowed.
var rares as number
if (size <= 2000) then
rares = 2
rares = 4

needs to be changed to

~ Work out how many characters we're allowed.
var rares as number
if (size <= 2999) then
rares = 2
rares = 4

then it will work correctly
~ Work out how many characters we're allowed.
var specs as number
if (size <= 2000) then
specs = 3
specs = 6

need to be changed to

~ Work out how many characters we're allowed.
var specs as number
if (size <= 2999) then
specs = 3
specs = 6
Once again I fail at forums
Just to let you guys know I've been in touch with Lone Wolf and they're going to set up WH8th as a new system and allow me to author the files onto their server.
We're going to wait until a month after the release which is apparently the schedule previous authors used in order to not annoy Games Workshop too much.
Just a quick one, currently taking a dragon (Tested with HE and CW) counts the points to both Lords and Heroes in the validation, the correct behaviour it to count just towards lords in this case :) the army points are fine.
The Dark Elves' "Power of Darkness" spell is replacing the signature spell of every lore rather than being added to it. What if you made "Power of Darkness" a special rule (like "Eternal Hatred") instead? I'm pretty sure most Dark Elf players know how it works and it would show up in the special rules table at the end of the roster if they needed to reference it.
I've got an idea how to fix the Power of Darkness but haven't had time to do it yet.
If that doesn't work your suggestion is a good one, thanks

One Dark Elves bug - it displays "Eternal Hatred REQUIRES you to ALWAYS pursue after hand-to-hand combat."
Hatred no longer requires pursuit so that message can be deleted entirely.

Generic magic items:
Charmed Shield in AB doesn't include "Shield." under its rules and doesn't give the armor save benefits that it should because it's a shield.
Dragonhelm works correctly but description does not say that it increases armor save by 1. It should say that.
Helm of Discord works correctly but description does not say that it increases armor save by 1. It should say that.
Shield of Ptolos working incorrectly. It currently gives +2 to armor save. It should only give +1 to armor save against anything except shooting (where it gives a 1+ save.) It also doesn't say "Shield." under its rules. It should say that. Also, it says +1 save to shooting when it should say 1+ save to shooting.
Shield of Ghrond doesn't say it counts as a shield.
Also, shields in 8th should only give 1 point of armor and a 6+ ward-save-in-combat. It says "6+/5+" when a shield is equipped, which is wrong. There's no second part to it.
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Dark Elves: Black Guard is allowed to field 21models, though the validator catches it:

"Unit 'Black Guard': Unit is too big! Its real maximum size is 1 less than what you have it at. Please reduce its size by 1 (see the FAQ for the reason behind this)."

If you chose an upgrade the #models is returned to max size and the error disappears.
As somewhat of a recommendation, Each wizard in an army should be required to select their lore in order to create a legal army list. According to the BRB, pg. 490, "When you chose your army, you should have selected which Lore of magic each or your Wizards is going to use".
Just make each lore a "select one" piece of equipment, much like many psyker powers in Warhammer 40,000 Army Builder files.
As somewhat of a recommendation, Each wizard in an army should be required to select their lore in order to create a legal army list.

Just make each lore a "select one" piece of equipment, much like many psyker powers in Warhammer 40,000 Army Builder files.

This would be great to have!

Another issue - In 8th, non-mage characters can take magical items (armor, weapons) even if they cannot normally carry the mundane item of that type. This is still causing validation errors. Example - Bretonnian BSB taking Enchanted Shield.
As somewhat of a recommendation, Each wizard in an army should be required to select their lore in order to create a legal army list. According to the BRB, pg. 490, "When you chose your army, you should have selected which Lore of magic each or your Wizards is going to use".
Just make each lore a "select one" piece of equipment, much like many psyker powers in Warhammer 40,000 Army Builder files.

I like it as it is since I can pick a lore from "spells" and since I'm playing Bretonnia then I often pick lore of life.

With your sugestion I would have to pick it over and over again, wast of paper and the more paper you use for the list the harder it is to find everything later but the intention is good. Only wanted to add my 0.02 :)
Bretonnia: I played around a little now and found that if I've a lord on pegasus then I can have more then one unit of pegasus knights. The unit is special and the army was +10k but it didn't react on the fact that I had 10 units of pegasus.
Since it's special and +3000 army I'm allowed 6 units of it. No more.