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Changling: Broken Mirror Milestone


Active member
Perhaps I'm just missing it, but I can't find a way to add the "Broken Mirror" milestone merit to a character. For reference it's on page 259 of the main Changeling book.

If it's in the system already can someone point out how to add it, and if not can it be added to a future update?
I didn't find it either.

The easiest way to add it: => Tool => Open Editor => New Data (or open your file if you already hat built one) => Merit => New (Copy) => (for examble take) Barfly => change name and description => Unique ID from m? to mBrokenM
=> Save
=> Test Now
My understanding of milestone merits is from Autumn Nightmares. All milestone merits reflect the killing of the fetch, although there are different merits that can be conferred as a result of this event.

Since milestone merits can only be acquired through play, there is never an XP cost associated with them, so a cost of 0 is appropriate.

There are two things that are special in regards to milestone merits. First, they should only be valid during advancement (note: this is currently broken in the Editor and will be fixed in the next update). Second, all milestone merits should be mutually exclusive, such that selecting any one milestone merit automatically precludes any other milestone merit from selection.

NOTE! This merit is already in the data files, but it is only available as an advancement merit (not at creation), which I believe is appropriate. The problem is that the merit also seems to cause an error to be reported during evaluation, so I need to fix that in the next update.
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