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Old January 2nd, 2010, 05:17 PM
I am interested in using Hero Lab for Savage worlds, including Deadlands.

I have three basic questions:

1. Can I get good support for Deadlands Reloaded?

2. Can I massage the character data on my own into a format that is more useful for me?

3. Can I print out a combat control sheet to manage NPC and player interactions using (gasp) pencils and paper?

I will repeat the questions with a bit more detail :-)

1. Are the character generation options for Deadlands Reloaded supported with add-on files? For example, Arcane Backgrounds (CHI powers) would require some work.
a. What about the additional options which were added with Deadlands: The Flood?
b. If not, are there user-generated files available to support this?
c. If not, how easily can these features be added in by the user? I know that it is possible to program in your own game system, but how about modifying an existing system's (i.e. Savage World's) files.
2. Is there an option to get the character data out in another format? Specifically, if I want to get the data into a spreadsheet using something like comma delimited ascii, etc.

3. Is there a way to print out a sheet that is like the tactical control console? Yes, it is a great tool, but what if I want to work off of paper (or have to)?

From the demo, this looks like an outstanding product. I especially like how well you have thought through the tactical console and the simple and intuitive interface for character generation and improvement. From experience, I know that generating a simple interface for a process like this requires significant work. It isn't always easy to make it easy ;-).

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Old January 4th, 2010, 07:21 PM
No official Deadlands Reloaded files currently exist. However, I have seen users discuss the existence of user-created Deadlands Reloaded data files awhile back. When we released an update to the core SW data files at one point, something in the DR data files stop working. Unfortunately, I'm not sure where those data files exist nor what they contain. You might try checking various threads from the past for a link. Alternately, if you started a new thread entitled something like "Looking for Deadlands Reloaded files", somebody ought to see it and point you to the right place. :-)

If there is any content that you want to add to the data files, it can be readily accomplished using the integrated Editor. You can add virtually anything you want. The Editor is fully accessible in demo mode, so I encourage you to play around with it a little bit to see how it works. There are a variety of posts on these forums from months back where detailed instructions are provided for how to add a variety of things.

You can output the character data in summary format if you wish. Go to the File menu and select Output Active Hero Summary. This will provide a statblock in text, HTML, or BBCode format. One of the items on our todo list is to provide a generalized XML dump of the character content that can massaged any way you want, but we haven't implemented that yet.

Unfortunately, there is currently no way to print out a Tactical Console summary sheet. That idea never even occurred to us, so I'll add it to the todo list. However, we'll need to hear other users chime in with support for the feature to get it bumped ahead of some of the other items we already have slated for the next feature update.

Thanks for the kind words. It's been a lot of work and it's gratifying to hear when folks appreciate it. :-)
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Old January 6th, 2010, 05:23 PM
Thanks for the response.

Do you have a sample of output from the "Active Hero Summary"? It does not work in the demo mode.

Since the DR files broke the system, it sounds like solving this is a more complex than simple

I found at least one thread which looks relevant. I am forced to admit that I didn't realize I was only seeing this months entries on the forum for SW, so I didn't bother doing a search (thinking I was seeing everything).

The output for GM use does not need to be fancy or laid out with graphics and such. Simple, easily read access to the basic data needed in combat would easily do the trick. Adding bold fonts in the key spots would make it the cat's meow.

I tried doing a layout in a spreadsheet and found that using one row per character was not enough to easily list the required data. 2-3 rows per character works out better, with three check-boxes for wounds, one for shaken, etc.

It might be that a simple stat block output with labels for all the active NPC and Characters would do the trick. If it is easy enough to paste these in, that might be good enough.

Thanks again for your response.
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Old January 10th, 2010, 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by CivilSavage View Post
Do you have a sample of output from the "Active Hero Summary"? It does not work in the demo mode.
Below is the BBCode output for the sample character included for the SW data files. It follows the statblock format used within the SW rulebook. Equivalent output is available with HTML formatting and in plain text.

Name: Arcane Investigator
Race: Human
Attributes: Agility d6-1, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d4-1, Vigor d6
Skills: Gambling d4, Guts d4, Healing d4, Investigation d8, Knowledge: Arcana d6, Notice d8, Streetwise d6, Spellcasting (Arcane) d8
Pace: 6, Parry: 3, Toughness: 5, Charisma: 0
Gear: Staff d4-2 (Str+d4), Unarmed Strike d4-2 (Str), Backpack, (5x) Candle, Canteen / Waterskin, Clothing (Normal), Flashlight, Lighter, Shovel, Toolkit, Umbrella
Special Abilities:
•Quirk (Always repeats stories): Minor humorous foible
•Arcane Magic: Gain the Magic arcane background
•Bonus Edge: Gain one free Edge of choice
Arcane Powers:
•Bolt: Single target takes 2d6 damage; Up to 3 bolts at separate cost; Double cost does 3d6 per bolt
•Deflection: Attacks are at -2 (or -4 with raise); Serves as Armor against area effect weapons
•Detect/Conceal Arcana: Sense supernatural persons, objects, or effects within sight; Conceal a single supernatural target

Originally Posted by CivilSavage View Post
Since the DR files broke the system, it sounds like solving this is a more complex than simple
Actually, the problem with the DR files becoming broken is due to the fact that I didn't know they had been written yet. :-( Since I hadn't seen a reference to them here, I didn't know they existed and therefore assumed I could safely change something without impacting anyone. Now that I know the DR files exist and other content has been added to the SW files by various users, I make sure not to change anything that others could rely upon. So it's *not* a complex issue - it was just one time due to a lack of awareness on my part. :-)

Originally Posted by CivilSavage View Post
The output for GM use does not need to be fancy or laid out with graphics and such. Simple, easily read access to the basic data needed in combat would easily do the trick. Adding bold fonts in the key spots would make it the cat's meow.
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