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Designer's Diary Articles

But I still have one question that I can't figure out - when you have that Important NPC (say, the Big Bad for a multi-session campaign) that has his or her own topic, where should the statistics for that NPC reside? Is there a suggested practice for that?

Pretty much what @kbs666 suggested. You place both the HL Statblock and Portfolio snippets into the NPC topic. Then you identify the NPC topic in the in the scene or other place where it needs to be referenced and you hook it up there. In some cases, it may also make sense to duplicate the portfolio and statblocks snippets in the scene.

Hope this helps!
There's a new Designer's Diary article up! Read all about game-specific content structures here!
Screenshots include "Calendars" and "Calendar Mappings" on the Manage tab. Nothing to see here. Move along. :)

Edit: Just to be clear, the screenshots are from the beta/in progress version that Rob works with and these options have not been announced as coming soon. It's just good to see them as that means progress is quietly happening behind the scenes.
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Oops. I didn't even think about that! I guess I need to be more careful in the future...
Rob put the Easter egg in just to see if we are paying attention. And for the record, we are. :)

I'm also intrigued by the little symbol in the upper left. Perhaps journals? It's similar looking to storyboards but instead of one-to-many, it's one-to-one-to-one.
Even after all these years, I keep learning something new about RW all the time. Thank you, thank you. Parody's link is a great explanation. New toys to play with.... :)
It's interesting to see discussions about features and updates in Realm Works. What other functionalities or improvements would you like to see in Realm Works to enhance your experience with it?