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Transfer treasure between portfolios


Well-known member
Is there a way to transfer items to different portfolios if they are contained in the same parent portfolio. For example transfer that fancy sword from the magic user who picked it up to the fighter. Or do I have to delete it in one portfolio and make it in the other.

Thanks for your help.
(c = character, p= portfolio )
You could have p1 and p2 with c1 in p1, and c2 in p2 import c2 to p1 move gear from p1c2 to p1c1 and then delete p1c2
(c = character, p= portfolio )
You could have p1 and p2 with c1 in p1, and c2 in p2 import c2 to p1 move gear from p1c2 to p1c1 and then delete p1c2

I have imported c2 to p1 what I was trying to see was if there is a way to just say transfer item 1 from c2 to c1. Or do I have to manually recreate it in c1 and then delete it from c2.

I think I have it worded right now. For example a +1 sword not a complex thing to make, but I have it made maybe named who knows can I just import it or do I have to delete it and remake it in the custom weapon part again.
To transfer money to another character. Buy coins (choose type) that are part of Shadow's Pathfinder Pack. Give to different character. That character sells the coins for 100% value. Walla, money is transferred.