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power problems


I’ve noticed that the power concealment. I don't know how many other powers out there have a problem.

But here is the problem I found with concealment. Its cost is set at 0. Are there any ideas on how to circumvent this problem?

Additionally, I was thinking that everyone could just start placing problems that they’ve found in one thread to assist with getting everything taken care of…just an idea.
dagorheru wrote:
> I’ve noticed that the power concealment. I don't know how many other
> powers out there have a problem.
> But here is the problem I found with concealment. Its cost is set at 0.
> Are there any ideas on how to circumvent this problem?

When you take Concealment, you have to choose exactly how you'll be
concealed. Click on the "Click to add a new Power Option" button and
you'll be able to choose which senses the power works against.

> Additionally, I was thinking that everyone could just start placing
> problems that they’ve found in one thread to assist with getting
> everything taken care of…just an idea.

That would actally make things a lot less convenient for me, since it's
useful to have separate problems in separate threads :) If you have a
problem that is relevant to another problem, feel free to post it in the
same thread, but separate problems should be posted in different threads.

Colen McAlister, colen@wolflair.com
Chief Engineer, Lone Wolf Development
thank you for your assistance. it was just a thought to stream line everything for you guys. but as you stated, it would make things more difficult. by the way, i really love herolab! i am just wondering how is the progress on the ultimate power data set coming along?