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Transfering Items from PC to PC


Hello again,

I noticed this weekend that, while you transfer an item from a PC to another, it appears as a red "Custom Item" in the receiver's inventory, which typically means I have to delete the item from the PC and "recreate" the item through the item creation menu in their inventory. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
I'm not sure why that happens, but it goes away if you just put the item in a container (dropping it to the ground and picking it up works).
If it can be equipped, you can equip it and unequip it and the problem should disappear, as well.
PLEASE PLEASE report this to LW using the bug support site. I would almost guarantee that LW has no idea such a bug exists and based on the comments it has been around for awhile.

This also means each person that commented in this thread should report the issue. :)
I'm afraid this is a known issue - transferring gear from character to character does not trigger a recalculation on the character who received the gear, and until that recalculation happens, some of the information is incorrect - it doesn't make use of all the settings on the item (I'm not sure about the details of what it does and doesn't get to). Changing any field's value or adding a new pick will trigger a recalculation, as will choosing "trigger full evaluation" in the Develop menu. clarlieluce and Aldaron have given examples of changes that don't really change much else on the character, but still trigger a recalculation.