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yet another script unit question [fixed]


Active member
this could be my last question as I've nearly finished my framework datafile

anyway the rule book has a description of a unit that says the following

unit contains between 8 and 12 soldiers
one soldier can have a machine gun
if unit is maximum sized (12 soldiers) then a second soldier can take a machine gun

so I have a unit called soldier with a range of 8 - 12
this has an option called machine gun with a range of 0 - 1

but I need to find a way to make the machine guns range = 0 - 2 when model count =12

I've tried some scripts in the prelink section of the soldier unit but no joy so far

so any help would be appreciated


If that's all you want to do I have an easier solution than exclusions.

Simply put a 2nd Option on the unit (add same option twice) and put a "Live" tag expression of runtime.count12 on that option link. The 2nd machine gun should only then show up when you have 12 models.