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Old September 19th, 2017, 04:10 AM
Originally Posted by Malevolus View Post
Completely agree with the OP. Seems like they are losing sight of what got them where they are today.
Quite frequently in life the road that got you to the present, isn't going to take you where you need to be in the future.

Herolab piracy is a thing. I'm sure that one of the reasons for the new buisness model is to circumvent that.

The reality of buisness is that if you want to move your customers to a new platform, you need a killer app to entice them there. For HLO, Starfinder is going to be that killer app.

There's not that much money to be made in this buisness, so if you're going to keep the lights open, you need to make innovative moves like this from time to time. In short, don't hold your breath waiting for Lone Wolf to move from this position any time in the forseeable future.
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Old September 19th, 2017, 04:52 AM
Originally Posted by Tragically Geek View Post
While your intended features sound amazing and inclusive (Spaceship combat, party loot distribution, party assets etc), it comes with a heavy cost. You have decided to ostracize a portion of your user base who simply want to pay for a great tool to create characters, no different than any other system you support at present.
I totally agree! I mean it's not like they created an IPad version of HeroLab which only supports two game systems(PathFinder and D&D 5e) but none of the other half dozen or more OFFICIAL game systems on IPad, not to mention they also created an Android version to support the other half of the tablet community to be able to create and edit their characters on those devices.

Oh wait... nevermind...
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Old September 20th, 2017, 09:56 AM
I agree with the original poster and appreciate the respectful and understanding tone they took.

I can understand how making HL accessible from more platforms is a real boon to a number of users. I also understand why, from a development and cost perspective, it is much more efficient to do that on a web-browser basis rather than one around apps tailored for each platform/OS. I do get that, honestly. And I've always found the iPad app to be clunky and prone to crashing my iPad, so something that is browser based would be, I'm sure, much more efficient.

But, it's a functionality I don't really need nor want, and never asked for. It's why I paid for multiple licenses for each of my computers.

I've been an "evangelist" for Hero Lab, getting all of my players to use it in two separate games. I've never had a problem buying the data packages for HL that I wanted. The amount of money I've tossed at Wolf Lair (or coaxed my players into spending) is significant and I don't begrudge it in the slightest. They've got a right (and need) to make a profit, and I've found the functionality that is delivered in HL is worth the cost.

When it comes to HLO, I've got a nice job and $2/month really is not a problem for me. Always online isn't a problem for me (I don't go to cons and pretty much everyone I go there is WiFi). But there's just something about the way this is getting rolled out that sticks in my craw. Pay up front and then every month and, if I stop paying every month, I lose the content I've already paid for? And access to my characters? :-/

I'd rather either pay it up front and be done with it, or pay for a subscription with access to all the data packages for a game system (as Syrinscape does it, though they also let you keep any sound packages they release during your subscription).

I truly don't begrudge the folks who are happy with this approach. It sounds like it actually does meet a need that many users want.

And who knows... I may sign up for the beta. I may eventually buy it. But I am actively trying out other systems (PCGen) right now because of this. I appreciate that, in one of his posts, Rob acknowledged this as a reality and did so without rancor.

We'll see what happens.
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Old September 20th, 2017, 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by SnowHeart View Post
Pay up front and then every month and, if I stop paying every month, I lose the content I've already paid for? And access to my characters? :-/

I'd rather either pay it up front and be done with it, or pay for a subscription with access to all the data packages for a game system (as Syrinscape does it, though they also let you keep any sound packages they release during your subscription).
Q: What happens if I stop paying the monthly fee for Hero Lab Online?
A: If your payment lapses, character creation will no longer be possible. But don’t worry, all your purchased content will be there waiting to resume use when you renew your account! And you’ll always be able to get your characters out, even with a lapsed account
Perhaps I did not fully understand your quoted statement,but from what the faq noted,you still have access to the characters after subscription lapse , just not editing. Honestly, the monthly cost is only to pay for the servers and bandwidth.

I have other possible issues with it, but will wait to see since it could prove a huge boon for me since most of my friends bring tablet or phones to games but only on is an IDEVICE. Of course, I will likely have to wait there years for support for my game system<sigh>
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Old September 20th, 2017, 03:24 PM
Yeah, no problem, that's a useful clarification. More broadly, that's the second time today I've miscommunicated so clearly I need to be more precise in my wording. My primary concern is the ability to use the data packages I paid for, and that is cut off as soon as my sub lapses. I'm glad I would still have access to characters I previously created, but as a GM in two F2F games, three PbP games, and a player in -?- more, the primary issue for me is an ongoing ability to use data packages I paid for.

Last edited by SnowHeart; September 20th, 2017 at 03:27 PM. Reason: Clarification and Correction on Something I got wrong.
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Old September 24th, 2017, 04:56 AM
Originally Posted by SnowHeart View Post
Yeah, no problem, that's a useful clarification. More broadly, that's the second time today I've miscommunicated so clearly I need to be more precise in my wording. My primary concern is the ability to use the data packages I paid for, and that is cut off as soon as my sub lapses. I'm glad I would still have access to characters I previously created, but as a GM in two F2F games, three PbP games, and a player in -?- more, the primary issue for me is an ongoing ability to use data packages I paid for.
There is a good chance the subscription model will change over time, this is just a good way to get this project on its feet. With that said, the support for you to grab your HLO characters and use your HLC to edit them isn't that bad either. I do totally see your point on this matter as I felt the same when I first got on board with HL and had to deal with the probable lost of my license if the company fell-through. At this point I am not worried as they have been supportive of their user base thus far. I hope that might ease your mind. Take care.

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