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Dependency Errors after adding a Toxic Guardian


New member
Once a Toxic Shaman adds a Toxic Guardian and selects the appropriate creature (for example, a Toxic Spirit - Sludge), the creature always has a "Dependency Error" that says "Human: This selection is not permitted (all effects are ignored)."

I have yet to find a way to get rid of this despite trying several workarounds. Thanks!

I found another really old thread about this error, but that didn't seem to apply here as it says to "switch to the character with the error" to make it go away but that doesn't work in this case.
I can reproduce the error, but I'm not sure how to fix it. I'm fairly certain it can be safely ignored but I'll see if I can figure anything out on it. Unless it's some kind of issue with having a creature as an additional portfolio along with a Human as the main, which would be something in the core code I wouldn't be able to fix. I'll see if I can figure anything out, though.
I've seen that pop up a few times in my Broken Earth campaign; as Zarlor says, it seems to have something to do with the code seeing the character as simultaneously human and not human at the same time.
I can't see anything I can change in the data file to fix it. I've done other portfolios that have creatures as a secondary portfolio and it looks like they all have it so I don't think it is a Hell on Earth file issue. I think this may be a bug to send up to the main Savage Worlds bugs thread for CC to look into. As far as I can tell, however, it seems the error doesn't actually cause any problems, it's just a "warning" but everything seems to still work, as far as i can tell.
This is a Hero Lab level error, nothing to do with the Setting file at all. If I recall correctly, it only affects creatures, and it's even outside of the Savage Worlds module itself.