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Old March 20th, 2014, 01:52 PM
Awesome! Everything seemed to be working for now. I'll post a thread if I hit another road block. Thanks for your help.
Sevisin is offline   #21 Reply With Quote
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Old March 20th, 2014, 05:58 PM
Okay, looks like a new problem arose when I put everything into Special. I looked at the tags and everything. The dragon type is transferring properly, the numerical id (which is hTotal) is correct when the dragon is selected. Now the #skillbonus is no longer transferring over to the character. Thoughts?
Sevisin is offline   #22 Reply With Quote
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Old March 20th, 2014, 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by Sevisin View Post
Okay, looks like a new problem arose when I put everything into Special. I looked at the tags and everything. The dragon type is transferring properly, the numerical id (which is hTotal) is correct when the dragon is selected. Now the #skillbonus is no longer transferring over to the character. Thoughts?
Please give a bit more detail.
TobyFox2002 is offline   #23 Reply With Quote
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Old March 20th, 2014, 09:02 PM
Each Special has an Eval Script attached adding two points to a certain skill. When the dragon type is selected, everything works but the two additional points. Here's the .user code for review so you can see for yourself. It may be a timing issue, but I got an error when I changed the timing saying there was something that needed to be done before the code could be active.

The next post has the current code (minus most of the dragons because of character limits)

I'm sorry for the newb questions.
Sevisin is offline   #24 Reply With Quote
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Old March 20th, 2014, 09:02 PM
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<document signature="Hero Lab Data">
  <thing id="rDsrtKbld" name="_Desert Kobold" description="Desert kobolds live like scaly, intelligent rats, hiding in forgotten corners of settlements, living just over the dunes from trading posts, and always reappearing right after the residents think they&apos;ve finally been killed off.\n\nDesert kobolds claim they were among the first to settle the deserts, and that gnomes threw them out into the wilderness. Though their survival relies on goods available at oasis settlements and trading posts, desert kobolds hate the gnomes who often build and run such settlements.\n\nThe life of a desert kobold is one of constant fear, which motivates them to build traps and fortifications and to ambush intruders. Some few kobolds, however, seek peace of mind through personal power and boon companions. These rare individuals become adventurers.\n\nRacial Traits: Desert kobolds have the following racial traits.\n\n+2 Dexterity, -4 Strength, -2 Wisdom: Desert kobolds are hardier than other kobolds, but are weak-willed.\n\nNo light sensitivity unlike other Kobolds.\n\nHumanoid (Reptilian).\n\nSmall size: +1 bonus to Armor Class, +1 bonus on attack rolls, +4 bonus on Hide checks, -4 penalty on grapple checks, lifting and carrying limits 3/4 of those of Medium characters.\n\nA desert kobold&apos;s base land speed is 30 feet.\n\nDarkvision out to 60 feet.\n\n+1 natural armor bonus.\n\nHeat Endurance: Desert kobolds gain a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves made to resist the effects of hot weather.\n\n+2 racial bonus on Craft (trapmaking), Search, and Survival checks.\n\nAutomatic Language: Draconic. Bonus Languages: Common, Undercommon.\n\nFavored Class: Rogue. A multiclass desert kobold&apos;s rogue class does not count when determining whether he takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing.\n\nLevel Adjustment: +0." compset="Race" summary="Desert Kobold">
    <fieldval field="rSTR" value="-4"/>
    <fieldval field="rDEX" value="2"/>
    <fieldval field="rInfFavor" value="Rogue"/>
    <fieldval field="rInfAutoLn" value="Draconic"/>
    <fieldval field="rCR" value="1/4"/>
    <fieldval field="rWIS" value="-2"/>
    <fieldval field="rHeightMnF" value="20"/>
    <fieldval field="rHeightMnM" value="20"/>
    <fieldval field="rWeightMnF" value="20"/>
    <fieldval field="rWeightMnM" value="25"/>
    <fieldval field="rAgeMin" value="30"/>
    <tag group="Language" tag="lDraconic" name="Draconic" abbrev="Draconic"/>
    <tag group="Language" tag="lUndercomm" name="Undercommon" abbrev="Undercommon"/>
    <tag group="RaceSize" tag="Small11" name="Small" abbrev="Small"/>
    <tag group="RaceType" tag="Normal"/>
    <tag group="Language" tag="lCommonND" name="Common" abbrev="Common"/>
    <tag group="HeightDice" tag="1"/>
    <tag group="HeightSize" tag="6"/>
    <tag group="WeightDice" tag="1"/>
    <tag group="WeightSize" tag="6"/>
    <tag group="Hero" tag="NoDefComm"/>
    <tag group="Race" tag="typHumanoi"/>
    <tag group="Race" tag="Kobold"/>
    <bootstrap thing="xDkVsnKbld"></bootstrap>
    <bootstrap thing="lDraconic"></bootstrap>
    <eval phase="PreLevel">~ +2 to Craft (Trapmaking), Profession (Miner), and Search
      #skillbonus[kCrafTrap] += 2
      #skillbonus[kSearch] += 2
      #skillbonus[kSurvival] += 2</eval>
    <eval phase="First" index="2"><![CDATA[      var result as number

      ~ We don't know Common by default!
      result = hero.assign[Hero.NoDefComm]]]></eval>
  <thing id="fDrgwrgt" name="_Dragonwrought" description="You were born a Dragonwrought Kobold, proof of your race&apos;s innate connection to dragons.\n\nPrerequisites: Kobold, 1st level only.\n\nBenefit: You are a Dragonwrought Kobold. Your type is dragon rather than humanoid, and you lose the dragonblood subtype. You retain all your other subtypes and your kobold racial traits. Your scales become tinted with a color that matches that of your draconic heritage. As a dragon, you are immune to magic sleep and paralysis effects. You have darkvision out to 60 feet and low-light vision. You gain a +2 racial bonus on the skill indicated for your draconic heritage on the table on page 103 in Races of the Dragon. \n\nSpecial: Unlike most feats, this feat must be taken at 1st level, during character creation. Having this feat allows you to take the Dragon Wings feat at 3rd level." compset="Feat" summary="Kobold Dragon ancestry">
    <fieldval field="ftCandExpr" value="User.DragonKind"/>
    <usesource source="RoD"/>
    <tag group="fCategory" tag="Racial"/>
    <bootstrap thing="xImmParaly"></bootstrap>
    <bootstrap thing="rLowLight"></bootstrap>
    <bootstrap thing="xImmSleep"></bootstrap>
    <bootstrap thing="xDK_00">
      <containerreq phase="First" priority="20001">fieldval:hTotal=0</containerreq>
    <bootstrap thing="xDK_01">
      <containerreq phase="First" priority="20001">fieldval:hTotal=1</containerreq>
    <bootstrap thing="xDK_02">
      <containerreq phase="First" priority="20001">fieldval:hTotal=2</containerreq>
    <bootstrap thing="xDK_03">
      <containerreq phase="First" priority="20001">fieldval:hTotal=3</containerreq>
    <eval phase="First" priority="20001" index="2">doneif (field[fChosen].ischosen = 0)

~var tribe as number
~tribe = field[fChosen].chosen.field[Value].value
~field[hTotal].value = tribe

field[hTotal].value = field[fChosen].chosen.field[hTotal].value</eval>
    <eval phase="First" priority="20000" index="3">perform hero.delete[Race.typHumanoi]
perform hero.assign[Race.typDragon]</eval>
    <eval phase="First" priority="19990"><![CDATA[doneif (tagis[Helper.FtDisable] <> 0)
doneif (field[fChosen].ischosen = 0)

~ If something has been chosen
if (field[fChosen].ischosen <> 0) then
  field[fShortName].text = "Dragon Bloodline: " & field[fChosen].chosen.field[name].text
    <exprreq message=""><![CDATA[hero.tagis[Race.Kobold] <> 0]]></exprreq>
  <thing id="xDkVsnKbld" name="Darkvision" description="You can see in the dark (black and white vision only)." compset="Special" summary="Darkvision 60&apos;" uniqueness="unique">
    <fieldval field="Value" value="60"/>
    <tag group="SpecType" tag="Sense" name="Sense" abbrev="Sense"/>
    <tag group="Helper" tag="ShowSpec" name="ShowSpec" abbrev="ShowSpec"/>
    <tag group="SpecSource" tag="rKobold2"/>
    <eval phase="Final" priority="10000"><![CDATA[
      call CalcValue

      ~ Use our value field as the range of our darkvision.
      field[livename].text = field[name].text & " (" & field[Value].value & " feet)"]]></eval>
  <thing id="fDrgTail" name="_Dragon Tail" description="Your draconic ancestry manifests as a muscular tail you can use in combat.\n\n{b}Prerequisites:{/b} Dragonblood subtype, 1st level only.\n\n{b}Benefit:{/b} You have a tail that you can use to make a\nsecondary natural attack in combat. This attack deals\nbludgeoning damage according to your size, as shown\non the table below. If you already have a tail slap attack\nwhen you take this feat, use the value from the table or\nyour existing damage value, whichever is greater.\n\nSize, Tail Slap Damage\nFine, 1\nDiminutive, 1d2\nTiny, 1d3\nSmall, 1d4\nMedium, 1d6\nLarge, 1d8\nHuge, 2d6\nGargantuan, 2d8\nColossal, 4d6\n\n{b}Special:{/b} Unlike most feats, this feat must be taken at\n1st level, during character creation." compset="Feat" summary="Your draconic ancestry manifests as a muscular tail you can use in combat.">
    <tag group="fCategory" tag="General"/>
    <exprreq message=""><![CDATA[hero.tagis[Race.typDragon] <> 0]]></exprreq>
  <thing id="xDK_01" name="Dragonblood - Amethyst" description="Used for the feat Dragonwrought\nAmethyst Dragon Blood (MM2)\n\nDescriptor or Subschool:\nForce\n\nClass Skill:\nDiplomacy\n\nSpells Known:\nDelay Poison, Invisibility, Suggestion" compset="Special">
    <fieldval field="hTotal" value="1"/>
    <tag group="User" tag="DragonKind"/>
    <eval phase="PostLevel">~ +2 to Diplomacy
      #skillbonus[kDiplomacy] += 2</eval>
  <thing id="xDK_00" name="- None -" description="Nothing selected" compset="Special">
    <tag group="User" tag="DragonKind"/>
  <thing id="xDK_02" name="Dragonblood - Battle" description="Used for the feat Dragonwrought\nBattle Dragon Blood (Dr)\n\nDescriptor or Subschool:\nSonic\n\nClass Skill:\nPerform\n\nSpells Known:\nAid, Heroism, Protection from Evil" compset="Special">
    <fieldval field="hTotal" value="2"/>
    <tag group="User" tag="DragonKind"/>
    <eval phase="PostLevel">~ +2 to Perform
      #skillbonus[kPerfAct] += 2
      #skillbonus[kPerfCom] += 2
      #skillbonus[kPerfDance] += 2
      #skillbonus[kPerfKey] += 2
      #skillbonus[kPerfOrat] += 2
      #skillbonus[kPerfOther] += 2
      #skillbonus[kPerfPerc] += 2
      #skillbonus[kPerfSing] += 2
      #skillbonus[kPerfStrng] += 2
      #skillbonus[kPerfWind] += 2</eval>
  <thing id="xDK_03" name="Dragonblood - Black" description="Used for the feat Dragonwrought\nBlack Dragon Blood (MM)\n\nDescriptor or Subschool:\nAcid\n\nClass Skill:\nHide\n\nSpells Known:\nCharm Animal (Snakes and Lizards only), Deeper Darkness, Insect Plague" compset="Special">
    <fieldval field="hTotal" value="3"/>
    <tag group="User" tag="DragonKind"/>
    <eval phase="PostLevel">~ +2 to Hide
      #skillbonus[kHide] += 2</eval>
Sevisin is offline   #25 Reply With Quote
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Old March 20th, 2014, 09:32 PM
Okay, in the future, I suggest if your going to post the ENTIRE file, which is awesome.. just post the .user file.

Others my have different preferences but that's my view.

As for the rest, its a good start but I am not sure that is how it works. I don't know if you can bootstrap with a bootstrap like that.

You may have to include the #skillbonus in the scripts for the feats as annoying as that is. I know it makes it harder of others to add dragon types to the list, but that's how it goes.

Sendric may have more information on this, I think he created the Draconic Heritage Feat from the Complete Arcane. I also HIGHLY recommend you use the xDragXXX tags used for that instead of reinventing the wheel.

I'll continue trying to get this to work, and if you can it would mean that the Draconic Heritage feat can be simplified by a factor of 10.. which would be awesome.

Also using an "_" underscore for feat and race names.. I suggest that you dont do that.. it'll cause conflicts later. and have the unique id's be some what descriptive rather than xDK_01 or xDK_02 etc..
TobyFox2002 is offline   #26 Reply With Quote
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Old March 20th, 2014, 11:23 PM
I'm all for sharing my work with the community. I feel that it'll make the software better and more complete.

The underscore in the feat and race names are only there to bring it to the top of the list so I don't have to sift through the list to do a test. Much quicker and efficient. On the final product, most underscores will be removed. In addition, I decided to do 01 and 02 because there are A LOT of dragons in the list and it would be easier for me to figure out the order of the drakes by number.

As for the bootstrap and the #skillbonus, it worked when it was on the Custom Ability. Not sure what's going on here. That's why I posted the query.
Sevisin is offline   #27 Reply With Quote
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Old March 21st, 2014, 06:29 AM
You should be setting the Value field on your specials. I don't have time to look at this today, but I'll try to look at it tonight if I get a chance.
Sendric is offline   #28 Reply With Quote
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Old March 27th, 2014, 03:03 PM
have you had time to look at the file? The issue is still unresolved.
Sevisin is offline   #29 Reply With Quote
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Old March 28th, 2014, 04:55 AM
Sorry Sevisin. I took a look at it and made some quick changes. One thing to keep in mind when doing something like this is that the eval script that sets the field[hTotal] on the feat MUST be run prior to the bootstrap condition that checks the field. You had them running at the same time.

Also, you don't need to make your own Darkvision special. I removed that, and bootstrapped the existing one, and placed a tag and value on it to set the SpecSource and Value. If you still want to use your own darkvision, you can, but its unnecessary. Anyway, here's the file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<document signature="Hero Lab Data">
  <thing id="rDsrtKbld" name="_Desert Kobold" description="Desert kobolds live like scaly, intelligent rats, hiding in forgotten corners of settlements, living just over the dunes from trading posts, and always reappearing right after the residents think they&apos;ve finally been killed off.\n\nDesert kobolds claim they were among the first to settle the deserts, and that gnomes threw them out into the wilderness. Though their survival relies on goods available at oasis settlements and trading posts, desert kobolds hate the gnomes who often build and run such settlements.\n\nThe life of a desert kobold is one of constant fear, which motivates them to build traps and fortifications and to ambush intruders. Some few kobolds, however, seek peace of mind through personal power and boon companions. These rare individuals become adventurers.\n\nRacial Traits: Desert kobolds have the following racial traits.\n\n+2 Dexterity, -4 Strength, -2 Wisdom: Desert kobolds are hardier than other kobolds, but are weak-willed.\n\nNo light sensitivity unlike other Kobolds.\n\nHumanoid (Reptilian).\n\nSmall size: +1 bonus to Armor Class, +1 bonus on attack rolls, +4 bonus on Hide checks, -4 penalty on grapple checks, lifting and carrying limits 3/4 of those of Medium characters.\n\nA desert kobold&apos;s base land speed is 30 feet.\n\nDarkvision out to 60 feet.\n\n+1 natural armor bonus.\n\nHeat Endurance: Desert kobolds gain a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves made to resist the effects of hot weather.\n\n+2 racial bonus on Craft (trapmaking), Search, and Survival checks.\n\nAutomatic Language: Draconic. Bonus Languages: Common, Undercommon.\n\nFavored Class: Rogue. A multiclass desert kobold&apos;s rogue class does not count when determining whether he takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing.\n\nLevel Adjustment: +0." compset="Race" summary="Desert Kobold">
    <fieldval field="rSTR" value="-4"/>
    <fieldval field="rDEX" value="2"/>
    <fieldval field="rInfFavor" value="Rogue"/>
    <fieldval field="rInfAutoLn" value="Draconic"/>
    <fieldval field="rCR" value="1/4"/>
    <fieldval field="rWIS" value="-2"/>
    <fieldval field="rHeightMnF" value="20"/>
    <fieldval field="rHeightMnM" value="20"/>
    <fieldval field="rWeightMnF" value="20"/>
    <fieldval field="rWeightMnM" value="25"/>
    <fieldval field="rAgeMin" value="30"/>
    <tag group="Language" tag="lDraconic" name="Draconic" abbrev="Draconic"/>
    <tag group="Language" tag="lUndercomm" name="Undercommon" abbrev="Undercommon"/>
    <tag group="RaceSize" tag="Small11" name="Small" abbrev="Small"/>
    <tag group="RaceType" tag="Normal"/>
    <tag group="Language" tag="lCommonND" name="Common" abbrev="Common"/>
    <tag group="HeightDice" tag="1"/>
    <tag group="HeightSize" tag="6"/>
    <tag group="WeightDice" tag="1"/>
    <tag group="WeightSize" tag="6"/>
    <tag group="Hero" tag="NoDefComm"/>
    <tag group="Race" tag="typHumanoi"/>
    <tag group="Race" tag="Kobold"/>
    <bootstrap thing="xDarkVis2">
      <autotag group="SpecSource" tag="rDsrtKbld"/>
      <assignval field="Value" value="60"/>
    <bootstrap thing="lDraconic"></bootstrap>
    <eval phase="PreLevel">~ +2 to Craft (Trapmaking), Profession (Miner), and Search
      #skillbonus[kCrafTrap] += 2
      #skillbonus[kSearch] += 2
      #skillbonus[kSurvival] += 2</eval>
    <eval phase="First" index="2"><![CDATA[      var result as number

      ~ We don't know Common by default!
      result = hero.assign[Hero.NoDefComm]]]></eval>
  <thing id="fDrgwrgt" name="_Dragonwrought" description="You were born a Dragonwrought Kobold, proof of your race&apos;s innate connection to dragons.\n\nPrerequisites: Kobold, 1st level only.\n\nBenefit: You are a Dragonwrought Kobold. Your type is dragon rather than humanoid, and you lose the dragonblood subtype. You retain all your other subtypes and your kobold racial traits. Your scales become tinted with a color that matches that of your draconic heritage. As a dragon, you are immune to magic sleep and paralysis effects. You have darkvision out to 60 feet and low-light vision. You gain a +2 racial bonus on the skill indicated for your draconic heritage on the table on page 103 in Races of the Dragon. \n\nSpecial: Unlike most feats, this feat must be taken at 1st level, during character creation. Having this feat allows you to take the Dragon Wings feat at 3rd level." compset="Feat" summary="Kobold Dragon ancestry">
    <fieldval field="ftCandExpr" value="User.DragonKind"/>
    <usesource source="RoD"/>
    <tag group="fCategory" tag="Racial"/>
    <bootstrap thing="xImmParaly"></bootstrap>
    <bootstrap thing="rLowLight"></bootstrap>
    <bootstrap thing="xImmSleep"></bootstrap>
    <bootstrap thing="xDK_00">
      <containerreq phase="First" priority="10000">fieldval:hTotal=0</containerreq>
    <bootstrap thing="xDK_01">
      <containerreq phase="First" priority="10000">fieldval:hTotal=1</containerreq>
    <bootstrap thing="xDK_02">
      <containerreq phase="First" priority="10000">fieldval:hTotal=2</containerreq>
    <bootstrap thing="xDK_03">
      <containerreq phase="First" priority="10000">fieldval:hTotal=3</containerreq>
    <eval phase="First" priority="9000" index="2">doneif (field[fChosen].ischosen = 0)

field[hTotal].value = field[fChosen].chosen.field[Value].value</eval>
    <eval phase="First" priority="20000" index="3">perform hero.delete[Race.typHumanoi]
perform hero.assign[Race.typDragon]</eval>
    <eval phase="First" priority="19990"><![CDATA[doneif (tagis[Helper.FtDisable] <> 0)
doneif (field[fChosen].ischosen = 0)

~ If something has been chosen
if (field[fChosen].ischosen <> 0) then
  field[fShortName].text = "Dragon Bloodline: " & field[fChosen].chosen.field[name].text
    <exprreq message=""><![CDATA[hero.tagis[Race.Kobold] <> 0]]></exprreq>
  <thing id="fDrgTail" name="_Dragon Tail" description="Your draconic ancestry manifests as a muscular tail you can use in combat.\n\n{b}Prerequisites:{/b} Dragonblood subtype, 1st level only.\n\n{b}Benefit:{/b} You have a tail that you can use to make a\nsecondary natural attack in combat. This attack deals\nbludgeoning damage according to your size, as shown\non the table below. If you already have a tail slap attack\nwhen you take this feat, use the value from the table or\nyour existing damage value, whichever is greater.\n\nSize, Tail Slap Damage\nFine, 1\nDiminutive, 1d2\nTiny, 1d3\nSmall, 1d4\nMedium, 1d6\nLarge, 1d8\nHuge, 2d6\nGargantuan, 2d8\nColossal, 4d6\n\n{b}Special:{/b} Unlike most feats, this feat must be taken at\n1st level, during character creation." compset="Feat" summary="Your draconic ancestry manifests as a muscular tail you can use in combat.">
    <tag group="fCategory" tag="General"/>
    <exprreq message=""><![CDATA[hero.tagis[Race.typDragon] <> 0]]></exprreq>
  <thing id="xDK_01" name="Dragonblood - Amethyst" description="Used for the feat Dragonwrought\nAmethyst Dragon Blood (MM2)\n\nDescriptor or Subschool:\nForce\n\nClass Skill:\nDiplomacy\n\nSpells Known:\nDelay Poison, Invisibility, Suggestion" compset="Special">
    <fieldval field="Value" value="1"/>
    <tag group="User" tag="DragonKind"/>
    <tag group="Helper" tag="ShowSpec"/>
    <eval phase="PostLevel">~ +2 to Diplomacy
      #skillbonus[kDiplomacy] += 2</eval>
  <thing id="xDK_00" name="- None -" description="Nothing selected" compset="Special">
    <tag group="User" tag="DragonKind"/>
  <thing id="xDK_02" name="Dragonblood - Battle" description="Used for the feat Dragonwrought\nBattle Dragon Blood (Dr)\n\nDescriptor or Subschool:\nSonic\n\nClass Skill:\nPerform\n\nSpells Known:\nAid, Heroism, Protection from Evil" compset="Special">
    <fieldval field="Value" value="2"/>
    <tag group="User" tag="DragonKind"/>
    <tag group="Helper" tag="ShowSpec"/>
    <eval phase="PostLevel">~ +2 to Perform
      #skillbonus[kPerfAct] += 2
      #skillbonus[kPerfCom] += 2
      #skillbonus[kPerfDance] += 2
      #skillbonus[kPerfKey] += 2
      #skillbonus[kPerfOrat] += 2
      #skillbonus[kPerfOther] += 2
      #skillbonus[kPerfPerc] += 2
      #skillbonus[kPerfSing] += 2
      #skillbonus[kPerfStrng] += 2
      #skillbonus[kPerfWind] += 2</eval>
  <thing id="xDK_03" name="Dragonblood - Black" description="Used for the feat Dragonwrought\nBlack Dragon Blood (MM)\n\nDescriptor or Subschool:\nAcid\n\nClass Skill:\nHide\n\nSpells Known:\nCharm Animal (Snakes and Lizards only), Deeper Darkness, Insect Plague" compset="Special">
    <fieldval field="Value" value="3"/>
    <tag group="User" tag="DragonKind"/>
    <tag group="Helper" tag="ShowSpec"/>
    <eval phase="PostLevel">~ +2 to Hide
      #skillbonus[kHide] += 2</eval>
Sendric is offline   #30 Reply With Quote

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