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Walk through for Howlers

I'm not able to make it. Last minute issue requiring my attention.
(Re: 3/15/13 WebEx at 3:30)

Any chance of a session tomorrow? (Sunday, 3/16/13)


Unfortunately I can't do Sunday as I'm due at work at that time (I start Monday 8 am, or 2pm Sat PST your time) I was going to go in late, but have other commitments.

I might be able to do the following weekend.
unfortunately i had to drop off too ... house problems.... but if any videos are being made of this, i would absolutely love to look at them.
Tried to join in but between technical difficulties and physical environment (I was at a dance convention) it just did not work.

Thanks for setting it up and sharing. I hope to catch a future edition and learn from the videos in the mean time.
I was able to attend the first session last Friday and it was very educational. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on Realm Works and putting it through its paces. Thanks Martin for taking the time to share this with us! :)