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Daniel V
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Old December 16th, 2021, 09:56 AM
Here with today's set of release notes for you all. Another sizable chunk of UX improvements, as well as quite an assortment of afflictions having been added from various PF2 sources.

Key Changes of Note
New Content
  • PF2 - Added 130 more afflictions to apply the effects of the poisons, diseases and curses from Bestiary 2 and Bestiary 3, the Lost Omens books, and the adventures.

New Features
  • PF2 - When adding ammo to a weapon, added the ability to optionally draw ammo from an existing source (on the character, from another weapon), without having to first go to the location that ammo is found.
    • Note: We will be expanding this system to cover other games in the future.
  • PF2 - Thrown weapons such as daggers and bombs show a control to change their quantity on the Play tab. Note that thrown weapons which are currently being used in melee will not show this - you can use the control button to change how they are being used.

Notable Changes
  • Changed several prominent and familiar icons in the app to avoid conflicting usages
    • Note: See "Nitty-Gritty Details - Iconography Adjustments" for more details.
  • PF2 - The Key Abilities table was removed, because everything there is now shown in the Special Abilities table.

Nitty Gritty Details
Iconography Adjustments
  • Changed several app icons to avoid conflicting usages:
    • Equipment icon is now universally the Backpack, while the Crossed Swords are only used for Combat
    • Eyeball icon exclusively used for viewing information (e.g. viewing a minion). The wisdom ability score and abilities/skills icons have been given new icons to not overlap
    • The Modifications icon is now universally the wrench. In some places it used Sparkles, which is now universally used for Spells.
  • Changed the Play tab icon to "rolling dice" instead of the more confusing triangle associated with "Play/Pause/Stop" on an audio/video player.
  • PF2 - The abilities listed in the Special Abilities table on the Play tab now display icons for the actions they require.

User Experience Improvements
  • Simplified the process of adding items to tables with many options by removing the need to select a category before seeing any of the actual options (e.g. Weapons).
    • Added buttons to the choice list for expanding and collapsing all categories at once.
  • Selections like Alignment and Deity can now be directly cleared, in addition to being replaced.
  • The icons for switching the side panel view will now stay visible at the top when scrolling down the panel.
  • Tweaked the layout & functionality of the Hit Points edit window & similar windows for other resources.
    • The number inputs on these now have incrementer (-/+) buttons to make small adjustments easier.
  • PF2 - If the weapon limit has been exceeded, the equip button will now be disabled.
  • PF2 - The Battle Medicine feat's summary now lists all the DCs you can try to attempt.
  • Numerous other minor UX improvements

Visual Improvements
  • Uploaded portrait images with dark/transparent backgrounds now have their thumbnails displayed with a black background fill instead of white
  • Most tables will no longer show a header or an "All selections are valid" message when they are empty.
  • Added artwork to the side panel "filler area" on non-Play tabs on wide enough displays
  • Fixed an issue causing the validation warnings shown at the top of the details window to use the incorrect color, notably making them hard to read in the Antiquity theme.
  • Minor improvements to layout and presentation of the dice roller for complex rolls like Weapons.
  • PF2 - Weapons with additional critical effects will now display more concise critical hit info on the Play tab.
  • Numerous other minor cosmetic improvements

Misc Bug Fixes
  • Improved performance of several views, disproportionally affecting the Play tab
  • Fixed an issue with notes & situational modifiers on the die roller having their text duplicated.
  • PF2 - Fixed an issue where weapon/armor/gear could not be properly sold from the play tab, either only allowing deletion or not allowing the sale price to be entered.
  • PF2 - Attack of Opportunity was not showing in the Special Abilities list on the Play tab.
  • PF2 - The critical damage for weapons with no damage dice (like an Acid Flask) began with "0x2"
  • PF1 - Heightening a spell caused a display error on the class tab

Upcoming Release Dates for Major Books
  • PF2: Lost Omens Monster of Myth and Absalom, City of Lost Omens - Current release date from Paizo is December 22nd, just in time for the holidays
  • SF: Galactic Magic - Current release date from Paizo is January 26th
Daniel V is offline   #1 Reply With Quote
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Old December 16th, 2021, 12:56 PM
thank you for bringing back forum posts when updates roll out. it's really helpful!
dacoobob is offline   #2 Reply With Quote
Daniel V
Senior Member
Lone Wolf Staff
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Posts: 422

Old December 16th, 2021, 04:10 PM
No problem, we're trying to get back in the swing of better communication here and keeping everyone abreast of what all's been going out and what major releases are to come. One more next week before the holidays!
Daniel V is offline   #3 Reply With Quote
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Old December 17th, 2021, 07:40 PM
Can you please fix the Cleric so that it can export divine font?
haibane is offline   #4 Reply With Quote
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Old December 18th, 2021, 02:37 PM
Yup yup ! Very helpful ! Thx Daniel !
Tohmaturge is offline   #5 Reply With Quote

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