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Old October 31st, 2010, 01:11 AM

One thing I have ALWAYS wanted is additional monitor support / a program that spans monitors.

i.e. I use a laptop to track everything, and assuming Realm Works will fill all of my criteria, I decide to use it.

Example: I have a series of pictures, videos, whatever. I wish to click on a particular video and show it to the players. In advance, I have a TV or second monitor set up where the players can see it, and by selecting a check box and clicking on the source file within the program launches it in the second monitor.

Ideally, I'd like to see the second monitor have the program having a "sorta-full-screen" window in it, where I can launch videos, put up pictures rather like a pinboard. Having a small window in the top right or top left with some variables (like time, weather, general location, etc) would be extremely helpful, with pull-down menus (complete with 'new entry' boxes) that immediately gives me a proforma to check-box the available NPC's that frequent or are occasionally/always in the area - denoting who is present - and customise other variables with text input boxes.

Sounds complicated, but it's simply a small (self sizing) window that outputs simple text data from a series of proforma sheets and pull down menus.

Nothing worse than messing around with a laptop to show the party one picture when I have a perfectly good TV at the other side of the room that I could be using.


Also, a combat tracker that pops up there - with the party (along with their current initiative and any spell effects), and on MY side I can enter any and all monsters and when I check their checkboxes, they appear up there in the correct order.

Caveat: the monster name has to be customisable, but have the correct name showing for me, but with a description alongside it. The idea there is that if the party doesn't know what the creature is, I don't want them being told until they are absolutely sure. So, at first it would say "Reptilian Humanoid", and next to it I could type something like "tall, thin green skinned humanoid with unblinking eyes". Then, once they discover what Yuan-ti are, it will be "Yaun-ti creature", with a description, and then finally once they know enough I could denote the specific type of Yuan-ti.

Combat trackers are especially important that the party can see them, as it specifies exactly who goes when, without confusion. Nothing worse than when people are getting antsy over whose turn it is because they forgot their initiative.


I'd also like every character sheet to be available to me at any given time, with any treasure I give out to be allocated to specific party members. Nothing worse than a convenient "Oh, I've got the Staff of Wind Mastery in my backpack" when the character who really has it happens to be unconscious at the bottom of a cliff. In the past, I have had to use 'playing card' blanks with the equipment and description written on it so I know who has what.

Oh, and tracking gems, party wealth in coins, and unidentified magic items.


Sorry for the long-winded text. Hope we can get some awesome features in this product!
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Old May 8th, 2012, 07:13 AM
Originally Posted by McTaff View Post
I'd also like every character sheet to be available to me at any given time, with any treasure I give out to be allocated to specific party members. Nothing worse than a convenient "Oh, I've got the Staff of Wind Mastery in my backpack" when the character who really has it happens to be unconscious at the bottom of a cliff. In the past, I have had to use 'playing card' blanks with the equipment and description written on it so I know who has what.

Oh, and tracking gems, party wealth in coins, and unidentified magic items.
I second this idea. I've discovered recently that trying to keep the hidden features of an item hidden SUCKS.

If I give the party a gem and they don't appraise it or mark down where it came from... three months from now they are going to say "oh, and we sell the red gem." Ummm... which red gem, how much do the PCs think it's worth and how much IS it worth?

So, something that would allow me to track valuables, magic items and what the players know about it would be excellent. Sure, it doesn't seem worth it time wise for a 25 gp "red gem"... but what happens when they get it confused with the 5000gp "red gem". Neither of which had been appraised at that point.

Last edited by Thrantor; May 8th, 2012 at 07:17 AM. Reason: cause my grammar sucks.
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