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Old June 27th, 2018, 05:43 AM
Before I post a feature request for more robust import options, I'd like to make sure I'm doing import/exports correctly.

I have a base realm, called Template. It is system agnostic. Every single default tag/category/etc is disabled, and I use all my own. It also has various pre-included things that every campaign I run will have, such as history, towns, etc.

Before now, I only had one campaign based on this template. I'm now working on a second in the same world, but in a different starting location within that world. All my future games will be in this world in some form.

Now, when I find something missing in the new realm I'm working on, I'd like to add it to the template (whether its a category, NPC, etc.), then export and import into the new realm and the old.

Here's my import/export procedure.

Find I need a new category. Lets say the name is Business.
Exit and sync current realm.
Load template realm.
Create new category called Business.
Leave everything else alone.
Goto Manage Exports.
Since its just a category, I use Structure Only.
Uncheck the box "Preserve original authorship..." as its all my own built data.
I load up the realm I want to import to (making sure its synced first).
Goto Import.
Select my structure-only import file.
Expand advanced options.
Choose both of the "Overwrite the conflicting..." options.
Uncheck database backup, as I have the realm synced.
Choose Import.
Upon completion, I get the following.

Note: The same thing happens if I choose to ignore the conflicting data.

    Category 'Region' renamed to 'Region01' due to duplicate name
    Category 'City/Town' renamed to 'City/Town01' due to duplicate name
    Category 'Regional Adventure' renamed to 'Regional Adventure01' due to duplicate name
    Category 'Locations' renamed to 'Locations01' due to duplicate name
    Category 'History Etc.' renamed to 'History Etc.01' due to duplicate name
    Category 'Quest' renamed to 'Quest01' due to duplicate name
    Category 'Quest List' renamed to 'Quest List01' due to duplicate name
Every single category gets a duplicate, that I then need to go in and delete them. One at a time, with "are you sure?" prompts. And scrolling down past all the inactives, since a change anywhere. expands the collapsed section.
How do I stop this?

What I want to happen is the category gets updated with changes, or is ignored if there are no changes.

Every existing category has been used in the realm in some fashion.
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Old June 27th, 2018, 08:34 AM
You misunderstand the purpose of structure only exports.

Structure only exports are intended to allow you to export the structure of a realm to be the basis for a new realm, not to be used to repeatedly add structure to an existing realm.

It might also be that by unchecking the preserve original authorship box you are causing the import procedure to not recognize that the categories in the import are the same as the ones in the existing realm.

So the first thing to try would be to repeat your process without unchecking that box.

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Old June 27th, 2018, 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by kbs666 View Post
You misunderstand the purpose of structure only exports.

Structure only exports are intended to allow you to export the structure of a realm to be the basis for a new realm, not to be used to repeatedly add structure to an existing realm.

It might also be that by unchecking the preserve original authorship box you are causing the import procedure to not recognize that the categories in the import are the same as the ones in the existing realm.

So the first thing to try would be to repeat your process without unchecking that box.
Alright, I ran the same export while preserving authorship. This solved the issue of duplicates! But, it moved the issue to the snippet types: for one category only. I duplicated that category, moved the data to the new one, and deleted the old. Now it's working exactly as I had hoped. Easy to fix if only a single category has this issue.

Structure exports may have originally been for new-only realms, but it certainly works for what I'm trying to do, just needed a bit of tweaking and a better understanding of how it worked.

That said, this testing/conversation brought me to a neat idea: Linked realms/sub-realms. A base realm, like my template. Then linked realms, that grab data from the original as if it were in the sub-realm itself. Got an NPC that shows up in both? Add to the base realm, and it shows up in all sub-realms.
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Old June 27th, 2018, 11:17 AM
The way people have done what you seem to be trying is one master realm where all the data entry is done, except maybe the game specific stuff. Then you export to child realms where you can reveal per each party's discoveries and that sort of thing while the master realm remains pristine.

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Old June 27th, 2018, 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by nightpanda2810 View Post
That said, this testing/conversation brought me to a neat idea: Linked realms/sub-realms.
I believe this sort of thing was the original intent, but between delays and people asking for a way to output information the export/import system is what we got instead.

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Old June 27th, 2018, 01:21 PM
While working on a collaborative realm, we had many issues with exporting and importing. We started with a Master Realm from which a complete export was created. I then took that export and created a realm in which I would do my part. We learned that a) only the Master Realm Keeper should create top level topics and structure. Child Realms would add things under those top level items. One child realm should be working on an area. When an addition/change was made in the Child Realm, that changed item would be added to a View. When work was done, only those items in the view would be exported in a partial export and sent to the master Realm Keeper, who would import the data into the Master using a copy to test the integrity of the import. Once done, a complete master would be exported and sent to the Child Keepers. They would create a new empty realm and import this export into it. The child keeper shouldn't do any changes to his realm after exporting until he receives an export back and creates the new realm from it. The Child Keepers have to coordinate work so that everyone can keep the realm synced.

The most important thing we have learned is that the use of a view of just changed topics is really mandatory to avoid duplicates and crashes. We fought with this for a month of crashes before figuring this out.

We did use only the default structure that RW builds into a new realm, so I am not sure what would happen in your case of reworking the structure categories.
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Old June 28th, 2018, 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by kbs666 View Post
The way people have done what you seem to be trying is one master realm where all the data entry is done, except maybe the game specific stuff. Then you export to child realms where you can reveal per each party's discoveries and that sort of thing while the master realm remains pristine.
Yup, this is what I'm trying to do. Working so far after keeping authorship, for categories anyway.

Originally Posted by Parody View Post
I believe this sort of thing was the original intent, but between delays and people asking for a way to output information the export/import system is what we got instead.
Hopefully they get to this

Originally Posted by GThiel View Post
While working on a collaborative realm, we had many issues with exporting and importing. We started with a Master Realm from which a complete export was created. I then took that export and created a realm in which I would do my part. We learned that a) only the Master Realm Keeper should create top level topics and structure. Child Realms would add things under those top level items. One child realm should be working on an area. When an addition/change was made in the Child Realm, that changed item would be added to a View. When work was done, only those items in the view would be exported in a partial export and sent to the master Realm Keeper, who would import the data into the Master using a copy to test the integrity of the import. Once done, a complete master would be exported and sent to the Child Keepers. They would create a new empty realm and import this export into it. The child keeper shouldn't do any changes to his realm after exporting until he receives an export back and creates the new realm from it. The Child Keepers have to coordinate work so that everyone can keep the realm synced.

The most important thing we have learned is that the use of a view of just changed topics is really mandatory to avoid duplicates and crashes. We fought with this for a month of crashes before figuring this out.

We did use only the default structure that RW builds into a new realm, so I am not sure what would happen in your case of reworking the structure categories.
Haha, way more complex than what I'm doing, but glad its working out for you! Just means I've got to be careful with what I'm doing.
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