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Old February 21st, 2016, 08:54 AM
I originally received my copy of RW via the Kickstarter, and then discovered my computer was unable to handle it. I recently purchased a new machine and have fired up RW's so I can use it for my games.

I have a query about new realms. My forum-search-fu can be lacking so I may have missed it.

The current overall template is for sword swinging high fantasy with classes and levels. Which is a far away from the RPG's I run as you can get.

I understand that the current template was designed to support the biggest block of gamers, and that other "realm templates" are something that will be addressed at a point far down the road.

Currently, going through every single data item to "turn off" thousands of items in order to reduce clutter is pretty daunting.

So, is there a faster way to uncheck the "shown" box for an entire entity? Not one item at a time. For instance, if I open the category "Individual" via category management, I find that an excessively long list of snippets that do not apply to a non-class/level sword swinging game. Is there a way to "uncheck" the "Shown" box for the entire category with one command? It would then be far simpler to activate the handful of needed items or add custom ones.

If this does not exist already I plan on adding it to the ever expanding list of feature requests.

The other item I plan on requesting is a second template for new realms that you can choose when creating a new realm. A "Bare Bones" template that just contains the minimum structure for RW's to be able to recognize and support. A super basic starting point for use by gamers that do not benefit from the existing template.

Not meaning to bag on the existing realm template, if I was into D&D, Pathfinder, 13th Age or similar it would be great. But for modern setting games that are not class/level based, just the task of restructuring is daunting.
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Old February 21st, 2016, 10:57 AM
The only way to do things at present is to create a new realm and then customize the categories once the realm is created. Maybe once the content market comes out you will be able to create a minimal realm and copy it into new realms but we don't know for sure.
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Old February 21st, 2016, 11:28 AM
Once we can share realms, this should be quite doable. Let's hope LWD gets through the final work on marketplace and web access as those are probably the two pieces that need to be in place for this to happen.
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Old February 21st, 2016, 02:25 PM
Yes, you can hide entire Categories and Tag Domains.

That's what I did with my Paranoia realm, which uses very little of the Globals as-is. Just duplicate the Categories you'd like to customize, then hide the all of the Global ones you don't plan to use and do everything with your duplicates.

Similarly, for Tag Domains make new domains and hide the Global ones you don't plan to use.

Last edited by Parody; February 21st, 2016 at 02:28 PM.
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Old February 21st, 2016, 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by Parody View Post
Yes, you can hide entire Categories and Tag Domains.

That's what I did with my Paranoia realm, which uses very little of the Globals as-is. Just duplicate the Categories you'd like to customize, then hide the all of the Global ones you don't plan to use and do everything with your duplicates.

Similarly, for Tag Domains make new domains and hide the Global ones you don't plan to use.
I know I can hide the entire thing. But that just means you have to rebuild everything.

It make much more sense to be able to uncheck everything of an existing category, not one at a time, but all with one click and then turn back on what you need. The "individual" category has nearly 40 lines all inclusive. That requires you to make 80+ clicks just to turn them all off. Call it 70 clicks to keep the 5-6 useful items and turn off the rest.

I could just turn them all off at the top and rebuild from scratch, but then I have to rebuild everything instead of simply customizing the existing material and leave a horrendously large amount of hidden but still being synch'd data.
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Old February 21st, 2016, 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by Spence View Post
It make much more sense to be able to uncheck everything of an existing category, not one at a time, but all with one click and then turn back on what you need. The "individual" category has nearly 40 lines all inclusive. That requires you to make 80+ clicks just to turn them all off. Call it 70 clicks to keep the 5-6 useful items and turn off the rest.
That doesn't make sense to me; if I'm only using 5-6 items I'd rather have a Category that only has those 5-6 items and doesn't have 70 hidden ones, whether or not you can hide them all in one click.

Originally Posted by Spence View Post
I could just turn them all off at the top and rebuild from scratch, but then I have to rebuild everything instead of simply customizing the existing material and leave a horrendously large amount of hidden but still being synch'd data.
As it is the Globals are going to be there whether you want them or not; you can't delete them. If you're not using them they're not a significant size addition to your realm; Categories and Tags are tiny compared to a Topic/Article with some text (much less a graphic or other binary item). Keeping the Global items separated from your custom Categories and Tag Domains, especially if you plan on extensive changes, prevents any problems from future changes to the Global items by LWD.

FWIW, I'd like to be able to make a much cleaner base realm without the Globals, but both that and your request to be able to hide all of the snippets in a Category are things for the Feature Request forum. (Delete or fully hide global categories and snippets, perhaps.) Unfortunately, the way the LWD folks write about the Global Categories and Tag Domains makes it sound to me like LWD didn't plan on people not wanting the Global items. If they had, the Global items would be like any other realm, something you could leave out at Realm creation, merge into your realm if you want them, and added automatically if you add content based on them.

As with many things, though, we won't see how everything works and how people actually choose to use it until the Content Market is available and open for everyone to use. :(

Last edited by Parody; February 21st, 2016 at 04:14 PM.
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Old February 21st, 2016, 04:42 PM

The link about fully hiding global categories or snippets would be the fix I am looking for.

The main reason I was wanting to be able to use existing, which I hadn't realized myself until I read your link, was the clutter in the management view.

I guess I'll just have to wait until the content update hits and then see.
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Old February 22nd, 2016, 03:15 AM
Just as helpful hint, ctrl+shift+~ will remove all blank snippets. I often just fill in the info I want then use that shortcut to remove the rest. Not the fix you are looking for, but it may be useful to you.
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Old February 22nd, 2016, 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by meek75 View Post
Just as helpful hint, ctrl+shift+~ will remove all blank snippets. I often just fill in the info I want then use that shortcut to remove the rest. Not the fix you are looking for, but it may be useful to you.

I think I remember seeing or reading about that.

But there are so many options I find myself forgetting them almost as soon as I find out about them
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Old February 27th, 2016, 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by Spence View Post
But there are so many options I find myself forgetting them almost as soon as I find out about them
Ain't *that* the truth!

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