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Old July 11th, 2018, 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by jlong05 View Post
This is largely where I ran into issues in the understanding of player races as NPCs, because the new player races in AA were presented as a traditional race instead of as a humanoid that you then selected as a subtype selection. The consistency for this isn't clear and it is confusing because of this.
Maybe I am misunderstanding the issue you are running into please disregard this if I am), but you can select the races from Alien Archive to create an NPC with Hero Lab Online. Select "Custom Race" for the NPC, Select "Humanoid" for the Creature Type Graft, then select the humanoid subtype (e.g. vesk, kish, reptoid, etc.) using the Creature Subtype Graft table.

Originally Posted by jlong05 View Post
I understand that LW can't/shouldn't make up rules, but this is where there should be some communication back with Paizo to better explain how this should work, especially when you see AA races also as options. Personally, I think the AA races should be base AA rules for Monster use, with the ability to follow the custom NPC rules using the player races in AA following the same rule building design from the Core book. That would keep consistency and be more clear.
You can still create an NPC using the same rules as a PC. I am not entirely sure how balanced that would be, but you could certainly do it. Just roll up a PC and use it as an NPC.

As far as I know, the rules for NPC building in Starfinder are similar to what Paizo used for Pathfinder 1st Ed. The Bestiaries have a "Monster Creation" appendix at the back which have tables for stats, grafts for different creature types/subtypes. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong. I haven't GM'd a Pathfinder game before so it isn't something I am super familiar with.
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