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Old January 16th, 2017, 07:21 AM
OK, I'm not going to keep cluttering up the forum, but here's a much better version of the plain text export. No HTML or anything yet, just plain text.

I'll set up a DropBox or something soon.

I sorted out a few bugs and oversights, and added some functionality:

Version 0.5a
Added a -Prefix switch to optionally include a topic's prefix.
Added a -Suffix switch to optionally include a topic's suffix.
Added a -Sort option to sort topics by:
1 = Name
2 = Prefix, Name **Default**
3 = Category, Name
4 = Category, Prefix, Name

Choosing options 2 or 4 will sort by prefix, regardless of whether or not
the -Prefix switch is specified. Likewise, choosing options 1 or 3 will
sort by name, regardless of whether or not the -Prefix switch is specified.

Added parentage for topics.
Made the topic suffix parenthetical so it's consistent with the display in RW.

Better (I hope) parsing of snippets, and support for more types.

Supported snippet types include:
Text (Including lists and tables, but NOT including any formatting such as bold, italic, highlights, etc.)
GM Directions
Labeled Text
Calendar Date
Calendar Date Range
Numeric Value
Tags (MultiDomain)

Unsupported snippet types include:
Picture (Simple)
Smart Image (Map)
Hero Lab Portfolio
Foreign Object
Any snippet types listed under "Documents and Media"

It now responds to the Get-Help cmdlet.

Get-Help RWExport-To-Text.ps1

Have fun!

# RWExport-To-Text.ps1 (formerly Format-RWExport.ps1)
# by EightBitz
# Version 0.5a
# 1/16/2017, 10:10 AM CST
# Copy this full length of code into a text file, and save it as Format-RWExport.ps1
# Open a Powershell window, and CD to where you saved it.
# For example, if you saved in C:\Users\EightBitz\Desktop, then in the Powershell window, you would type:
#    CD \Users\EightBitz\Desktop
# Then run the powershell script, specifying the source file (the compact export you created)
#    and the new destination file you wish to create or overwrite. Example:
# .\Format-RWExport.ps1 -Source "C:\Users\EightBitz\desktop\Export test.rwoutput" -Destination C:\Users\EightBitz\desktop\TransformedExportTest.txt
# CSS categories:
#    <title>
#    <topic>
#    <section>
#    <snippet>
# Track parentage and levels of topics and sections
# Sort topics

RWExport-To-Text.ps1 transforms a RealmWorks export file into a plain text file.

By: EightBitz 
Date: 1/16/2017
Version 0.5a

RWExport-To-Text.ps1 loads the XML file exported from Realm Works and transforms it into plain text so it can be printed or imported/pasted into other programs. The export from Realm Works must done with the Compact Output option.
Enter the full path and filename for the source file (the Realm Works export file).
.PARAMETER Destination 
Enter the full path and filename for the destination file (the plain text output).
Choose your preferred sort order for exported topics.
   1 = Name
   2 = Prefix, Name **Default**
   3 = Category, Name
   4 = Category, Prefix, Name
Include this parameter to display the prefix for each topic.
Include this parameter to display the suffix for each topic.
RWExport-To-Text.ps1 -Source MyExport.rwoutput -Destination MyPlainTextFile.txt 
RWExport-To-Text.ps1 -Source MyExport.rwoutput -Destination MyPlainTextFile.txt -Sort 1
RWExport-To-Text.ps1 -Source MyExport.rwoutput -Destination MyPlainTextFile.txt -Prefix -Suffix
The specified sort order will occur regardless of whether or not prefixes are included.
If you sort by prefix, but do not include the -Prefix parameter, your topics will still be sorted by prefix, even though the prefix won't be displayed.
Likewise, if you sort by Name, but do include the -Prefix parameter, your topics will still be sorted by name, even though the prefix will be displayed.

It appears that topics will always be sorted under their containers. In other words, topics that are not in containers will be sorted relative to each other. Contained topics will be sorted relative to their peers within that container.

Everything outputs in plain text. I do want to work on an HTML/CSS version, but first I had to get all of this done. This is my foundation for building a version with formatted output.

param (
    # Source file path and name.

    # Destination file path and name.

    # Sort topics by:
    #    1 = Name
    #    2 = Prefix, Name **Default**
    #    3 = Category, Name
    #    4 = Category, Prefix, Name
    # Choosing options 2 or 4 will sort by prefix, regardless of whether or not
    #    the -Prefix switch is specified. Likewise, choosing options 1 or 3 will
    #    sort by name, regardless of whether or not the -Prefix switch is specified.
    [int]$Sort = 2,

    # Include prefix in topic name ($true or $false)

    # Include suffix in topic name ($true or $false)

) # param

Function ParseTopic($PassedTopic,$Outputfile,$Sort,$Prefix,$Suffix,$Parent) {
   $TopicName = $PassedTopic.public_name
   if ($Prefix -and $PassedTopic.Prefix) {$TopicName = $PassedTopic.Prefix + " - " + $TopicName}
   if ($Suffix -and $PassedTopic.Suffix) {$TopicName = $TopicName + " (" + $PassedTopic.Suffix + ")"}
   $TopicName = "Topic: $TopicName"
   $ParentName = "Parent Topic: $Parent"
   $CategoryName = "Category: " + $PassedTopic.category_name

   Add-Content -Path $outputfile -Value $TopicName
   Add-Content -Path $outputfile -Value $ParentName
   Add-Content -Path $outputfile -Value $CategoryName
   If ($PassedTopic.tag_assign) {ParseTags $PassedTopic $Outputfile}
   If ($PassedTopic.linkage) {ParseLinkage $PassedTopic $outputfile}
   Add-Content -Path $outputfile -Value ""

   foreach ($Section in $PassedTopic.section) {
      ParseSection $Section $Outputfile
   } # foreach ($Section in $PassedTopic.section)

   Switch ($Sort) {
      1 {$TopicList = $PassedTopic.topic | Sort-Object public_name}
      2 {$TopicList = $PassedTopic.topic | Sort-Object prefix,public_name}
      3 {$TopicList = $PassedTopic.topic | Sort-Object category_name,public_name}
      4 {$TopicList = $PassedTopic.topic | Sort-Object category_name,prefix,public_name}
      default {$TopicList = $PassedTopic.topic}

   $Parent = $Parent + $PassedTopic.Public_Name + "/"
   foreach ($Topic in $TopicList) {
      ParseTopic $Topic $Outputfile $Sort $Prefix $Suffix $Parent
   } # foreach ($Topic in $PassedTopic.topic)
} # Function ParseTopic($PassedTopic)

Function ParseSection ($PassedSection,$Outputfile) {
   $SectionName = "Section: " + $
   Add-Content -Path $outputfile -Value $SectionName
   Add-Content -Path $outputfile -Value ""
   foreach ($Snippet in $PassedSection.snippet) {
      ParseSnippet $Snippet $Outputfile
   } # foreach ($Snippet in $PassedSection.snippet)

   foreach ($Section in $PassedSection.section) {
      ParseSection $Section $Outputfile
   } # foreach ($Section in $PassedSection.section)
} # Function ParseSection ($PassedSection)

Function ParseSnippet ($PassedSnippet,$Outputfile) {
   switch ($PassedSnippet.type) { 
      "Multi_Line" {
        if ($PassedSnippet.purpose -eq "directions_only") {
           $Text = ParseSnippetText $PassedSnippet.gm_directions
           $Text = "GM Directions: " + $Text
           Add-Content -Path $outputfile -Value $Text
        } elseif (($PassedSnippet.contents.contains("<ul")) -or ($PassedSnippet.contents.contains("<ol")) -or ($PassedSnippet.contents.contains("<table"))) {
           $Text = ParseFormattedStuff $PassedSnippet.contents
           Add-Content -Path $outputfile -Value $Text
        } else {
           $Text = ParseSnippetText $PassedSnippet.contents
           Add-Content -Path $outputfile -Value $Text
        } # if ($PassedSnippet.purpose -eq "directions_only")
        Add-Content -Path $outputfile -Value ""
      } # "Multi_Line"
      "Labeled_Text" {
         $Text = ParseSnippetText $PassedSnippet.contents
         $LabeledText = $PassedSnippet.Label + ": $Text"
         Add-Content -Path $outputfile -Value $LabeledText
         Add-Content -Path $outputfile -Value ""
      } # "Labeled_Text"
      "Tag_Standard" {
         ParseTags $PassedSnippet $outputfile
         Add-Content -Path $outputfile -Value ""
      } # "Tag_Standard"

      "Numeric" {
         $annotation = ParseSnippetText $PassedSnippet.annotation
         $Numeric = $PassedSnippet.contents + ", $annotation"
         Add-Content -Path $outputfile -Value $Numeric
         Add-Content -Path $outputfile -Value ""
      } # "Numeric"
      "Tag_Multi_Domain" {
         ParseTags $PassedSnippet $outputfile
         Add-Content -Path $outputfile -Value ""
      } # "Tag_Multi_Domain"

      "Date_Game" {
         $DateText = ParseSnippetText $PassedSnippet.annotation
         $DateText = $PassedSnippet.game_date.display + ", " + $DateText
         Add-Content -Path $outputfile -Value $DateText
         Add-Content -Path $outputfile -Value ""
      } # Date_Game

      "Date_Range" {
         $DateRange = $PassedSnippet.date_range.display_start + " to " + $PassedSnippet.date_range.display_end
         $annotation = ParseSnippetText $PassedSnippet.annotation
         $DateText = "$DateRange, $annotation"
         Add-Content -Path $outputfile -Value $DateText
         Add-Content -Path $outputfile -Value ""
      } # Date_Range

      default {
         # Do nothing here.
      } # default
   } # switch ($PassedSnippet.type)
} # Function ParseSnippet

Function ParseSnippetText ($PassedText) {
   if ($PassedText -ne $null) {
      $gt = $PassedText.Indexof('>')
   } else {
      $gt = -1
   } # if ($PassedText -ne $null)
   $Text = $null
   While ($gt -ge 0) {
      # $gt = $PassedText.Indexof(">",$RWSnippet)
      $lt = $PassedText.Indexof("<",$gt)
      $length = $lt-$gt
      if ($length -gt 1) {$Text = $Text + $PassedText.substring($gt+1,$length-1)}
      if ($lt -lt $gt) {
         $gt = -1
      } else {
         $PassedText = $PassedText.substring($lt,$PassedText.length-$lt)
         $gt = $PassedText.Indexof('>')
      } # if ($lt -lt $gt)
   } # While ($gt -ge 0)
   if ($Text.contains("&nbsp;")) {$Text = $Text.replace("&nbsp;","`r`n`r`n")}
   Return $Text
} # Function ParseSnippetText

Function ParseTags ($PassedTags,$OuptutFile) {
   # This block of code assumes that tags of the same domain will always be grouped together.
   $domain = 0
   $tagdomains = $PassedTags.tag_assign.domain_name
   $tagdomain = $tagdomains[$domain]
   $tagline = ""

   foreach ($tag in $PassedTags.tag_assign) {
      if ($tag.domain_name -eq $tagdomain) {
         if ($tagline -eq "") {$tagline = $tagdomain + ": " + $tag.tag_name} else {$tagline = $tagline + ", " + $tag.tag_name}
      } else {
         $tagdomain = $tag.domain_name
         $tagline = $tagline + "`r`n" + $tagdomain + ": " + $tag.tag_name
      } # if ($tag.domain_name -eq $tagdomain)
   } # foreach ($tag in $PassedSnippet.tag_assign)

   Add-Content -Path $outputfile -Value $tagline
   if ($PassedTags.annotation) {
      $annotation = ParseSnippetText $PassedTags.annotation
      Add-Content -Path $outputfile -Value "Annotation: $annotation"
   } # foreach ($tag in $PassedTags.tag_assign)
} # Function ParseTags

Function ParseLinkage ($PassedTopic,$OutputFile) {
   $Linkage = $PassedTopic.linkage
   $LinkList = ""
   foreach ($link in $linkage) {
      if ($linklist -eq "") {$linklist = "Linkage: " + $link.target_name} else {$linklist = $linklist + ", " + $link.target_name}
   } # foreach ($link in $linkage)
   Add-Content -Path $OutputFile -Value $Linklist
} # Function ParseLinkage

Function ParseFormattedStuff ($PassedSnippet) {
   $TagLocations = GetTagLocations $PassedSnippet
   [array]$FullText = $null

   foreach ($tag in $TagLocations) {
      $tagtext = $PassedSnippet.substring($tag.start,$tag.end-$tag.start+1)
      Switch ($tag.tag) {
         "text" {
            $Text = ParseSnippetText $tagtext
            if ($Text) {
               if ($Text.contains("&#xd;")) {$Text = $Text.Replace("&#xd;"," ")}
               if ($Text.contains("&nbsp;")) {$Text = $Text.Replace("&nbsp;"," ")}
               $Text = $Text.Trim()
               Add-Content -Path $outputfile -Value $Text
         } # "text"
         "ul" {
            $ordered = $false
            $Text = ParseList $tagtext $ordered
            Add-Content -Path $outputfile -Value $Text
         } # "ul"

         "ol" {
            $ordered = $true
            $Text = ParseList $tagtext $ordered
            Add-Content -Path $outputfile -Value $Text
         } # "ol"

         "table" {
            $table = ParseTable $tagtext
            $Text = $table | Out-String
            $Text = $Text.TrimEnd()
            Add-Content -Path $outputfile -Value $Text
         } # "table"

      } # Switch ($tag.tag)
   } # foreach ($tag in $TagLocations)
   Add-Content -Path $outputfile -Value ""
} # Function ParseFormattedStuff

Function GetTagLocations ($PassedSnippet) {
   $taglist = $null
   # Get the locations of all the start tags.
   $ul = $PassedSnippet.IndexOf("<ul")
   $ol = $PassedSnippet.IndexOf("<ol")
   $table = $PassedSnippet.IndexOf("<table")

   While (($ul -ge 0) -or ($ol -ge 0) -or ($table -ge 0)) {
      if ($ul -ge 0) {
         $properties = @{
         } # $properties

         $TagLocation = New-Object –TypeName PSObject –Prop $properties
         [array]$Taglist = $Taglist + $TagLocation
      } # if ($ul -ge 0)

      if ($ol -ge 0) {
         $properties = @{
         } # $properties

         $TagLocation = New-Object –TypeName PSObject –Prop $properties
         [array]$Taglist = $Taglist + $TagLocation
      } # if ($ol -ge 0)

      if ($table -ge 0) {
         $properties = @{
         } # $properties

         $TagLocation = New-Object –TypeName PSObject –Prop $properties
         [array]$Taglist = $Taglist + $TagLocation
      } # if ($table -ge 0)

      $Taglist = $Taglist | Sort-Object Start
      $HighTag = $Taglist.Count-1
      $StartPosition = $Taglist[$HighTag].Start + 1

      $ul = $PassedSnippet.IndexOf("<ul",$StartPosition)
      $ol = $PassedSnippet.IndexOf("<ol",$StartPosition)
      $table = $PassedSnippet.IndexOf("<table",$StartPosition)
   } # While (($ul -ge 0) -or ($ol -ge 0) -or ($table -ge 0))

   # Get all the end tags.
   foreach ($tag in $Taglist) {
      $endtag = "</" + $tag.tag
      $endtag = $PassedSnippet.IndexOf($endtag,$tag.Start + 1)
      $Tag.end = $endtag+4
   } # foreach ($tag in $Taglist)

   # Fill in the gaps, if there are any.
   $firstitem = 0
   $firstpos = 0
   $lastitem = $Taglist.count -1
   for ($item=$firstitem; $item -le $lastitem; $item++) {
      if (($firstpos -lt $Taglist[$item].start)) {
         $endpos = $Taglist[$item].start - 1

         $properties = @{
         } # $properties

         $TagLocation = New-Object –TypeName PSObject –Prop $properties
         [array]$gaplist = $gaplist + $TagLocation

      } # if (($firstpos -lt $Taglist[$item].start))

      if ($item -eq $lastitem) {
         $firstpos = $Taglist[$item].end + 1
         $endpos = $PassedSnippet.length - 1

         $properties = @{
         } # $properties

         $TagLocation = New-Object –TypeName PSObject –Prop $properties
         [array]$gaplist = $gaplist + $TagLocation
      } # if ($item -eq $lastitem)
      $firstpos = $taglist[$item].end+1
   } # for ($item=$firstitem; $item -le $lastitem; $item++)

   $Taglist = $Taglist + $gaplist
   $Taglist = $Taglist | Sort-Object start
   Return $Taglist
} # GetTagLocations

Function ParseList ($PassedText,$Ordered) {
   if ($PassedText -ne $null) {
      $openli = $PassedText.Indexof('<li')
   } else {
      $openli = -1
   [array]$List = $null
   $ItemNumber = 1
   While ($openli -ge 0) {
      $closeli = $PassedText.Indexof("</li",$openli)
      $length = $closeli-$openli
      if ($length -gt 1) {
         $LineItem = $PassedText.substring($openli+1,$length-1)
         $LineItem = ParseSnippetText $LineItem
         if ($Ordered) {$LineItem = $ItemNumber.ToString() + ". " + $LineItem} else {$LineItem = "* $LineItem"}
         [array]$List = [array]$List + $LineItem
      } # if ($length -gt 1)

      if ($closeli -lt $openli) {
         $openli = -1
      } else {
         $PassedText = $PassedText.substring($closeli,$PassedText.length-$closeli)
         $openli = $PassedText.Indexof('<li')
      } # if ($closeli -lt $openli)
   } # While ($openli -ge 0)
   Return $List
} # Funcion ParseList

Function ParseTable ($PassedText) {
   if ($PassedText -ne $null) {
      $opentr = $PassedText.Indexof('<tr')
   } else {
      $opentr = -1
   [array]$RowList = $null
   While ($opentr -ge 0) {
      $closetr = $PassedText.Indexof("</tr",$opentr)
      $length = $closetr-$opentr
      if ($length -gt 1) {
         $Row = $PassedText.substring($opentr+1,$length-1)
         $Row = $Row.Replace("tr>&#xd;","")
         $Row = $Row.Trim()
         [array]$RowList = [array]$RowList + $Row

      if ($closetr -lt $opentr) {
         $opentr = -1
      } else {
         $PassedText = $PassedText.substring($closetr,$PassedText.length-$closetr)
         $opentr = $PassedText.Indexof('<tr')
   } # While ($opentr -ge 0)

   [array]$Table = $null
   foreach ($Row in $RowList) {
      if ($Row -ne $null) {
         $opentd = $Row.Indexof('<td')
      } else {
         $opentd = -1
      $ItemList = new-object psobject
      $ItemNumber = 1
      While ($opentd -ge 0) {
         $closetd = $Row.Indexof("</td",$opentd)
         $length = $closetd-$opentd
         if ($length -gt 1) {
            $Item = $Row.substring($opentd+1,$length-1)
            $Item = ParseSnippetText $Item
            $ItemList | Add-Member -Name "Item $ItemNumber" -Type noteproperty -value $Item

         if ($closetd -lt $opentd) {
            $opentd = -1
         } else {
            $Row = $Row.substring($closetd,$Row.length-$closetd)
            $opentd = $Row.Indexof('<td')
      } # While ($opentd -ge 0)
      [array]$Table = [array]$Table + $ItemList
   } # foreach ($Row in $RowList)
   $Text = $Table | Format-Table -HideTableHeaders -AutoSize -Wrap
   Return $Text
} # Function ParseTable

# Main {
   $inputfile = $Source
   $outputfile = $Destination
   [xml]$Export = Get-Content -Path $inputfile
   $Title = "Title: " + $
   Set-Content -Path $outputfile -Value $Title
   Add-Content -Path $outputfile -Value ""
   $Contents = $Export.output.contents

   Switch ($Sort) {
      1 {$TopicList = $Contents.topic | Sort-Object public_name}
      2 {$TopicList = $Contents.topic | Sort-Object prefix,public_name}
      3 {$TopicList = $Contents.topic | Sort-Object category_name,public_name}
      4 {$TopicList = $Contents.topic | Sort-Object category_name,prefix,public_name}
      default {$TopicList = $Contents.topic}

   $Parent = "/"
   foreach ($Topic in $TopicList) {
      ParseTopic $Topic $outputfile $Sort $Prefix $Suffix $Parent
   } # foreach ($Topic in $Contents.topic)
# } Main
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