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Old August 17th, 2019, 08:00 AM
Yeah, I fully understand that they can't make them both feasible without doubling the workload. For me, internet connectivity isn't about access. I just don't trust public wifi or business wifi. My cell plan has 1GB and no hotspot functionality.

My bigger issue, though, is that with HLC I pay one time and always have my content with full functionality. With HLO, I am constantly paying for access to content I have already paid to have. Non-editable characters is barely giving me access if my subscription lapses. I do not approve.

Still, I understand that I'm in the minority on this one. They have to put their effort into the areas that will yield profitable results. It just makes me sad. I spent a significant amount of money on PF1 content with HLC, and I was very happy with the model for it. For PF2, I will just have to find an alternative or stick with pen and paper.
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