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Old June 10th, 2015, 08:43 AM
If the proposed accumulation and dissemination of Star Wars material via RealmWorks would actually happen without the express permission of the rights holders, the ban hammer would come down hard and if it didn't stop, the Disney lawyers would wipe LWD from the planet faster than you can say Han Solo. The Disney legal team isn't something anyone wants to mess with and they vigorously defend their IP.

We would all lose because of someone's sense of entitlement....

If you disagree with the current copyright law, fight to change it. Donate to EFF. Lobby your legislator. Vote for candidates that will support your way of thinking. Work your way into senior management and use your influence to change the paradigm. If you choose to ignore the law, the law may not catch up with you; but it will impact a lot of other people and the ripple effect may have unforeseen VERY negative consequences like providing fodder to tighten copyright even further.

Think people. Follow your conscience. Would you want someone else to do unto you what you are doing unto them? Get out there and change the world -- it can't be done if you stick your head in the sand and expect someone else to do it for you.
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