Thread: 3.5 Gunslinger
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Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 46

Old August 6th, 2019, 12:39 PM

Our gunslinger reach 5th level so now gets this feat. The feat appeared to work fine when I tested it 2 years ago but in hindsight I never tested re-loading a character with the ability. Sure enough, when I save and re-load the character I get the error, "Pick fMskGunTra has been orphaned as it can no longer be added to the portfolio" (fMskGunTra is my ShowOnly Feat which is called by the Class Special at 5, 9, 13, 17 levels). I get the error four times (once for each time the Class Special calls the Feat at 5, 9, 13, 17 levels).

In the character sheet, the feat still appears under the class tab (with a pull-down weapon list which keeps its state) and also under the Feat tab - also with a pull-down weapon list but this does NOT keep its state.

Note the character otherwise appears to work, and as long as I re-select the weapon in the Feat pull-down list each time I re-load it still calculates correctly - so it's not a game-breaking error. But it's annoying!

Can you give me any tips of anything to look at?
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