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Old November 11th, 2019, 06:09 PM
Alright, so I've been wading my way through my first class, the Expert from UA Sidekicks. Currently stuck on the Inspiring Help ability. First, for the abilities test for reference:

"Starting at 9th level, the sidekick's assistance becomes especially inspiring. When the sidekick uses its Helpful bonus action, the creature who receives the help also gains a 1d6 bonus to the d20 roll. If that roll is an attack roll, the creature can forgo adding the bonus to it, and then if the attack hits, the creature can add the bonus to the attack's damage roll against one target.
At 18th level, the bonus increases to 2d6."

So with this being an ability that increases incrementally at difference levels, I figured I'd base it off of Sneak Attack's file. Copied it, changed the text to the relevant ability, changed ID, all that. Left all the bits that look like they were responsible for counting up iterations and adding. Changed the one script to this:

field[listname].text = "Inspiring Help " & signed(field[xIndex].value) & "d6"

Saved, and validated. Bootstrapped it to the Class and added what level its at. But when I go to check it in herolab, it shows 0d6 in the summary and doesn't added it up with added twice. Not sure where to go...
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