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Old January 30th, 2017, 01:26 PM
there is not really support for the Unchained rules in the d20, but it would be fairly easy to set up a condition or something to adjust the BAB and saves accordingly.

you should be able to just use tag counts.

not sure on syntax, but something like

var atku as number
var fortu as number
var fortgood as number
var refu as number
var refgood as number
var willu as number
var willgood as number

foreach pick on hero where component "component.BaseClHelp"
  if (eachpick.tagcount[cAttack.Good] <> 0)then
    atku += 1 * eachpick.field[cTotalLev].value
    elseif (eachpick.tagcount[cAttack.Medium] <> 0) then
      atku += 3/4 * eachpick.field[cTotalLev].value
    elseif (eachpick.tagcount[cAttack.Poor] <> 0) then
      atku += 1/2 * eachpick.field[cTotalLev].value
  if (eachpick.tagcount[cFort.Good] <> 0) then
    fortu += 1/2 * eachpick.field[cTotalLev].value
    fortgood = 2
    elseif (eachpick.tagcount[cFort.Poor] <> 0) then
      fortu += 1/3 * eachpick.field[cTotalLev].value
  if (eachpick.tagcount[cRef.Good] <> 0) then
    refu += 1/2 * eachpick.field[cTotalLev].value
    refgood = 2
    elseif (eachpick.tagcount[cRef.Poor] <> 0) then
      refu += 1/3 * eachpick.field[cTotalLev].value
  if (eachpick.tagcount[cWill.Good] <> 0) then
    willu += 1/2 * eachpick.field[cTotalLev].value
    willgood = 2
    elseif (eachpick.tagcount[cWill.Poor] <> 0) then
      willu += 1/3 * eachpick.field[cTotalLev].value

var babtotal as number
babtotal = round(atku,0,-1)

var forttotal as number
forttotal = round(fortu + fortgood,0,-1)

var reftotal as number
reftotal = round(refu + fortgood,0,-1)

var willtotal as number
willtotal = round(willu + fortgood,0,-1)
I'm sure there is a better more elegant way to do this, but here is a quick off the cuff for getting the numbers. As it is, this is not really complete, just a start.
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