Thread: Bloodlines
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Old October 12th, 2007, 11:49 AM
In case you haven't gotten the bloodline levels to work, I ended up with that question running through my head.

Create 3 Bloodline Level templates. Each one has a pre-req of Classes.tmBL? (name all the bloodlines with template BLOODLINE then the name of the specific bloodline so they can be searched for easily). And #2 and #3 each have a pre-req of #1 and #2, respectively. Each of these bloodline level templates has nothing else but a level adjustment of 1.

If you've found any difference between what the bloodline levels do and what an ECL does to a race (other than when they're added in), that changes how this works, though.

The bloodlines will have a pre-req that your total class levels can't exceed x (as per my previous item) unless tmBLev1 is present, and for intermediate and major, they can't exceed y without tmBLev2, etc.

I thought about using a single Bloodline Level template, but it looks like the "Is Unique" checkbox is auto-selected for templates.
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