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Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 432

Old January 19th, 2017, 07:39 AM
Engage parody mode!

Originally Posted by BJ View Post
Are you detailed orientated
Read: good at picking things apart. No, not nitpicky. Why would you think we meant nitpicky? See also: detail-oriented.

with several free hours each week?
Read: stare at your monitor for long periods.

Do you care about the quality of the content available in Realm Works and have a good familiarity with the program?
Are you daplunk, EightBitz, or any of the other technical wizards who put the rest of the users to shame?

Do you enjoy free perks
Read: we have cookies.

and the knowledge that you are preforming a valuable public service?
Read: but we can't afford shipping on baked goods, so it'll be digital content. Preformed digital content. [/rimshot]

Then we need you to stand between the darkness and the light!
You are our last, best hope for peace (on the forums).

Please title all communications THE GREY COUNCIL - YOUR NAME HERE. Please replace YOUR NAME HERE with your actual name. Failure to do so will result in your email being unread.
Wizards' First Rule. People are stupid. We don't think you're stupid, but you hang out on a software developer's forum and spend hours staring at your computer monitor. You might make a mistake. Seriously, we've seen it before. It isn't pretty. We still need mindbleach.

Parody mode disengaged.

Darn, I'd really love to take part in this, but my time-management sucks, so I must recuse myself on the grounds that I do care about the quality of the content available in RW.

Chief Calendar Champion Chemlak

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