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Old June 20th, 2011, 06:19 PM
I am trying to create custom armors that apply half armor bonus and half damage reduction. For example, the first one I am creating is a chain shirt that applies an armor bonus of 2 and a damage reduction of 2.

In the editor I have already copied the chain shirt and labeled it AR- Chain shirt, where AR stands for armor rating (what we are calling damage reduction applied by armor) and have applied it's own unique ID. I have also reduced the armor bonus of the armor to 2.

Where I hit a snag is where I am applying the damage reduction to the armor, I have copied the eval script from the barbarian damage reduction ability to the eval script of my armor but what I am not sure about is which phase to apply it in (currently I have it applied in post-levels, like the barbarian class has) and which value to change to make it a static damage reduction of 2. Below is the script I am working with. What do I need to remove and/or change to make it a bare minimum to apply a damage reduction of 2/- to the wearer and display the damage reduction in the special tab and in the correct place in the stat block.

doneif (tagis[Helper.ShowSpec] = 0)

field[abValue].value += field[xCount].value
field[CustDesc].text = "Damage Reduction (" & field[abValue].value & ") against weapons and natural attacks."
hero.child[xDamRd].field[abValue].value = maximum(hero.child[xDamRd].field[abValue].value, field[abValue].value)

I know this can be done since the guys at Paizocon showed me this in action but I know I am missing something, Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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