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Old January 13th, 2018, 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by wdmartin View Post
@Aaron I am not enthusiastic at the prospect. It sounds like a lot of work to implement. And then everyone using the WiS rule set will be forced to make the choice for each weapon they possess. Virtually all of them are going to pick the higher bonus. End result: I'd be doing a lot of work and making it harder for players to manage their characters, in order to implement an option where the user's end choice is predictable 99.9% of the time.
I don't think it would be much work, maybe 2 hours or so, for testing. I assume you've already got a mechanic around to implement these changes and bootstrap weapon finesse to everyone. Instead of the feat, bootstrap a racial ability (since those are shown on everyone) with a selector to choose Dex or Str, then all you need is an eval script to pull the "Use this for melee attacks tag" and to to foreach through all weapons on the hero to push that tag.

If having a racial special without context around annoys you it might be worth it to set a configurable up as an intermediary, then bootstrap the selector ability as a class special to that configurable. Call the configurable "WiS Special Rules" and you can even provide information (through other bootstrapped specials) to users about what is going on, to help future folk figure out what is going on if there is background stuff going on.

Anyway, it's your thing, and there may be complications I am unaware of, but that's how I see it.
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