Thread: Assigning Tags
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Van Nuys, California
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Old September 30th, 2011, 11:42 AM
I am working on the Drider, and noticed it could be either cleric, sorcerer, or wizard. I have a chooser that can choose the spellcaster class (using a helper feat), but I need to assign the SplLookup.cHelpXxx to the Drider. Here's the problem, once I have the class helper chosen, I want to get the chosen class assigned with the spell lookup tag. The only way I know to do that is to assign the specific tag to the hero, which I can't do with a chooser. Is there a way to make a boolean comparison of the chosen helper class to the actual helper class. For example, the code field[fChosen].chosen needs a comparison before I can assign the specific tag. In psuedo-code, I need something like this:

if (field[fChosen].chosen.idstring = <??cHelpXxx??>) then
perform <race>.assign[SplLookup.cHelpXxx]

The important part is the ?? part, how do I do this comparison, or is it even possible? Is there a way to have a chooser able to assign a tag with that chooser, such as assign[SplLookup.<chosen>]. This is the part I've been stumbing over, and before I spend a lot of time trying to figure it out, I wanted to know if it is even feasible to do something like this.
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