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Old April 2nd, 2017, 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by Aaron View Post
All the "new form" racial abilities are shadowed from the gizmo to the hero.The ones that are not allowed get disabled and hidden in the first pass. A second pass happens if the ability or adjustment is not active and disables/hides even the ones which are allowed. If there is a polymorph effect active then a helper on the hero goes through racial and class abilities that aren't part of the "new form" and disables them based on whether the user checks the box for an ability to be active when polymorphed.
Pardon the thread necromancy, but how did you go about doing this part? I'm building something similar for Spheres of Power, and I'm having a devil of a time figuring out a clean way to disable the shadowed racial abilities when the polymorph effect isn't activated.

The best solution I've come up with thus far is this procedure run at First/5000 on the picks that bootstrap racial abilities:

	  ~ Run only if we are on an inactive Shapeshift
	  doneif (container.ishero = 1)
	  doneif (parent.tagis[component.SoPShapesh] = 0)
	  doneif (parent.field[abilActive].value = 1)
	  foreach bootstrap in this
	    perform hero.findchild[Ability, "thingid." & eachthing.idstring & " & Helper.Shadow"].setfocus
		if (state.isfocus = 1) then
		  perform focus.assign[Helper.SpcDisable]
		  perform focus.delete[Helper.ShowSpec]
		perform state.clearfocus
This KINDA works, but it feels clunky to me, and it also doesn't handle overlapping abilities well.
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