Thread: occupation
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Old February 26th, 2013, 09:07 AM
There's not currently a good way to create a script that will handle the 50 bonus points to weapon skills. I think this will need a workaround. On the Personal tab, from the Permanent Adjustments table, you can either use the Skill adjustment to add the desired bonus to each of the desired skills, or figure out where you would like to add those 50 points, and use the Skill Points adjustments to add enough skill points to pay for them.

The way to add an EDU penalty without penalizing the skill totals is to add a compensating value to the number of occupation skill points. Here's how to do that:

#traitbonus[attrEDU] -= 6
#resmax[resOccup] += 120
6 EDU would normally mean the loss of 120 occupation skill points, so I'm adding that same amount back in.
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