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Join Date: Jan 2011
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Old January 27th, 2012, 10:25 AM
Standardizing Poison

The method I describe here can also apply to disease, or any number of similar effects. What you do is, you make a poison Special, generalized as per the d20SRD or the MM, and use the following code.
<<Post-Attributes (Users) 15000>>
~ Set our saving throw DC for poison.
var DC as number
foreach pick in hero from BaseRace
  DC = 10 + round(each.field[rHitDice].value / 2, 0, -1) + hero.childfound[aCON].field[aModBonus].value
field[livename].text = field[name].text & " (Fort DC " & DC & " neg.)"
Put the above code in the eval script for the poison Special. Then put the following script onto the creature itself.
<<First 5000>>
~ Describe our poison damage.
hero.child[xPoison].field[xSumm].text = "<<short description, such as: Injury, 1d6 Str intial and secondary damage."
Of course, if the short description does not suffice, you can still append to the CustDesc as described in previous coding posts above. Pretty simple.
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