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Join Date: Jan 2007
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Old August 21st, 2020, 09:42 AM
These are my Components and scripts at the moment:
Eval Script from the Mechanic applied to the actor:
<eval phase="Traits" priority="149" index="5" name="Prepare First Copy"><![CDATA[var myString as string
myString = "!Helper.SpcDisable & !Helper.SpcReplace"

foreach pick in hero from xCopyTracker where myString sortas CopyTrack
  ~ if we are a pick with the DomainCopy tag, then we have a selection 
  ~ possible, but if no selection is made, then we are an independant copy
  if (eachpick.tagis[Helper.DomainCopy] <> 0) then
    ~ if we have chosen a selection, the component is no longer a MultiCopy
    if (eachpick.tagis[User.HasChosen] <> 0) then
      perform eachpick.assign[Helper.ChosenCopy]
      perform eachpick.assign[Helper.MultiCopy]
  ~For things which are multiple copies, each independant, 
  ~all of them are "first" copies.
  if (eachpick.tagis[Helper.MultiCopy] <> 0) then
    perform eachpick.assign[Helper.FirstCopy]
    ~add the first active thing we found to our quick list - if quickadd
    ~returns nonzero, we were the first version, so add the "first copy" tag
    ~to ourselves.
    ~NOTE: at this point, we'll assume that the first copy is the only copy -
    ~the OnlyCopy tag is deleted in the "Determine First Copy" script if
    ~there's more than one.
    if (eachpick.quickadd <> 0) then
      perform eachpick.assign[Helper.FirstCopy]
      perform eachpick.assign[Helper.OnlyCopy]
      perform eachpick.quickadd

Component with the xCount and xIndex fields  
  name="Multiple COpy Helper">
  <!-- Selection Tag Expressions -->
	name="Index of Copy"
	name="Number of Copies"
  <!-- Track whether the first copy -->
  <eval index="1" phase="Traits" priority="155" name="Determine First Copy"><![CDATA[
	doneif (tagis[Helper.FirstCopy] <> 0)

	~if we're not the first copy of a special ability, we need to set up a
	~redirection to the actual first copy. That means whenever another pick
	~does a "hero.child[x]" to find pick x, they always arrive at the first
	~copy. This allows the first copy to be determined at every evaluation,
	~and the first copy is then the one used to display the totals for the
	~ability, even if it's added in multiple places (e.g. sneak attack, which
	~can be added by multiple classes). The first copy is the one in the
	~quickfind list, so retrieve it.
	perform quickfind.setfocus

	~if we found a copy to set our focus to, we're a secondary copy of this
	~ability, delete the Helper.OnlyCopy tag from the first (primary) copy.
	~That means the Helper.OnlyCopy tag will only be left on those picks that
	~are the only copy of their things.
	if (state.isfocus <> 0) then
	  perform focus.redirect
	  perform assign[Helper.SpecUp]
	  perform focus.delete[Helper.OnlyCopy]

  <eval index="2" phase="Traits" priority="200" name="Calc xIndex, xCount"><![CDATA[
	~we only need to run this if we're not the only copy
	~if we aren't the only copy, we need to search the rest of our copies and get information
	if (tagis[Helper.OnlyCopy] = 0) then

	  ~only run these for the first copy
	  if (tagis[Helper.FirstCopy] <> 0) then

		var searchexpr as string
		searchexpr = "thingid." & this.idstring

		var index as number
		index = 1

		foreach pick in hero from xCopyTracker where searchexpr sortas CopyTrack
		  ~assign this thing the current index value, then increment the index for the next thing
		  eachpick.field[xIndex].value = index
		  index += 1
		  field[xCount].value += 1

		field[xCount].value += 1
	  ~xIndex and xCount = 1
	  field[xIndex].value = 1
	  field[xCount].value = 1


<!-- Define a sortset that lists abilities in index order. -->
  name="Framework abilities in order">
  <sortkey isfield="yes" id="domDomain" isascend="yes"/>
  <sortkey isfield="yes" id="xIndex" isascend="yes"/>

Working on -
  • (SWADE) WIP Savage Rifts
  • Savage Rifts (Deluxe): Update link in This post
  • Star Trek Adventures: Update link in This post
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