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Old January 15th, 2014, 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by TobyFox2002 View Post
Bootstrapping the feats with a conditional, not sure how that work when each race has their own choice of feats for any given region, there is some overlap but not much.

Wouldn't bootstraping a feat with a condition to a region would ALWAYS attach that single feat to the region based on the condition regardless of the number of possible feat choices for that race/region combination, Correct?
Yes, which is why I'm not suggesting you do that. Instead, I would use the choice of feat to set the value field to a number, then use that value as the basis of the conditional. For instance:

if (feat1) then
value = 1
elseif (feat2) then
value = 2

conditional for feat1:

fieldval:Value = 1

Of course, pulling the id of the chosen string and using that to set the value is a bit tricky. You would need to pull the id with something like this:

feat = field[usrChosen1].chosen.idstring
Then you need a way to compare it. I'm not sure if you would have to set up a string variable for each feat or not, but let's say you do.

feat1 = ""

if (feat = feat1) then
 value = 1)
Like I said before though, this works better with fewer feats.
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