Thread: strange error
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 243

Old August 27th, 2019, 06:55 AM
I made a change to the vehicle component and vehicle compset within the equipment.str file.
I then made changes to the editor.dat file to allow me to enter vehicles.
I get an error message saying those fields don'e exists.

Hero Lab was forced to stop compilation after the following errors were detected:

Edit Thing 'Vehicle' - Editor references field 'vehAC' that doesn't exist
Edit Thing 'Vehicle' - Editor references field 'vehSpeed' that doesn't exist
Edit Thing 'Vehicle' - Editor references field 'vehHP' that doesn't exist
Edit Thing 'Vehicle' - Editor references field 'vehCrew' that doesn't exist
Edit Thing 'Vehicle' - Editor references field 'vehTonnage' that doesn't exist
All of the above fields are indeed part of the vehicle component and the vehicle component is part of the vehicle compset. So I've no idea what I've done wrong to get this error. All I did to the vehicle component was add some fields.
I've created other compsets and components for drones and starships and they are having the same problem.

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