Thread: Here I go again
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Old December 27th, 2016, 01:19 AM
OK, I know somebody musta asked this before, but I'll be damned if I can find it.

I am trying to build a feat based on Versatile Performer, that does for Crafts what that feat does for Performs.

The problem I am running into is in the prereqs.

I am trying to set the prerequisite to; Craft (Any) 5+ ranks

Based on Versatile Performer, that should look like;

herofield[Skill Ranks].value >= 5

Versatile Performer uses tMaxPerf to get the highest ranks in perform.

To my question ("Finally" you mutter);

Is there a similar ID to tMaxPerf for Maximum Crafts? If so, can you tell me where or how to find it, so I can use that? If it isn't any more straight forward than "Sure, it's <blank>" please tell me how to find the ID myself so that I don't need a similar explanation when I need to do the same for Max Knowledges.

If it is that simple, can you please give me both IDs (Max Craft and Max Knowledge)?

Thanks in advance
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