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Old January 11th, 2017, 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by daplunk View Post
Once the content market is released this approach will cause you alot of rework if you use pre made content. Youre the first person I've heard of not wanting to use the mechanics section so I don't see any authors structuring content like this meaning you will have to migrate everything that is entered.

I would suggest waiting for LW to release the free content as it will show you how they think it should be setup and give you insight into whether you like what they have done before proceeding with such a significant change.
Fair enough; however, that essentially means that when you input the data from a sourcebook, you have to create an entry for the book on both sides and split the chapters putting all of the adventure (places, people, things, scenes) on the world side and the mechanics (monsters, treasure, etc..) on the mechanics side. Seems counterintuitive. I think I would rather see it all in one and organize it in its original book form pretty much as you suggest in your videos.

Affirmative on waiting for the next build; but since we have no clue or word when that will be.....
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