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Old March 10th, 2017, 02:36 AM
Also, another VTT:

This one installs and runs on your PC. It's not web-based. That, of course, brings both pros and cons.

It has what the dev calls a "kitchen table" license, which means that one person's license covers the whole group. Ideally, that player would be the GM, but it doesn't have to be.

So, basically, if you're running a game, and you have a licensed copy installed on your PC, your players can install non-licensed copies, and as long as they're connecting to your game, they're fine. They don't each have to buy a license.

The software is pretty neat. When I've run games before, I've given each player their own "table" on which to keep notes. They're public tables that other players can interact with, which again brings pros and cons.

The only private "tables" are GM-only. A while back, I requested player-specific tables. Not sure if that ever made his to-do list.

If you're looking for a new VTT, or if you're just curious, check it out.
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