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Old November 6th, 2010, 04:33 AM
So I notice that these have Eval Scripts (around Final 15000) like this:

call CalcValue

~ Use our value field as the speed at which we can swim
field[livename].text = field[name].text & " (" & field[Value].value & " feet)"

I think I just figured something out! The "call CalcValue" must look at the Value.? tag applied to the thing and then translate it into a number for the Value field, am I right?

I am writing a script that adds to Burrow speed if it is already present on the hero. Like so:

~ Add to our Burrow speed (if any).
if (hero.childfound[xBurrow].field[Value].value <> 0) then
hero.childfound[xBurrow].field[Value].value += 10

Unfortunately, the way burrow is written right now there is an issue with the timing. Since most races bootstrap xBurrow with a tag, they do not have a value in their Value field until they are named. If I run my script before Final 15000, then the tag is not yet converted, a 0 is read, and no addition happens. If I run it on or after Final 15000 the value does change, but the name has already been set so the user can't see it.

Mathias, can you maybe separate the CalcValue and the part where the script is named by a bit so something can happen in between?
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