Thread: skill problems
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Lone Wolf Staff
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Old February 5th, 2019, 08:15 AM
Next time you're reporting a bug, please make sure that in your initial report, you include major ways you've changed the way the system you're using works. In this case, you have the "Background Skills" rules from Pathfinder Unchained active, so that changes the way the skills are being handled by the program - it means that there are two different skill tables, and different skills belong on each table.

One thing I do see - knowledge (religion) and knowledge (nobility) are on your background skills table, entered by adding knowledge (other) and then renaming it. Knowledge (religion) should be an adventuring skill, not a background skill, and there's a real version of knowledge (nobility) that you can select on the background skills table, instead of using knowledge (other).

But in order to know what bug you're encountering, you'll need to be specific about what skill you were working with - what did you delete, and then couldn't add back in?

And one thing you can check for yourself - did you perhaps delete the skill from the adventuring skills list, and now, you'll need to add it back in on the background skills list? That might be the case if you started working on your character, and then turned on the background skill rules - some skills that belong in background might already have been present in adventuring.
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