Thread: 1.1 comments
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gdewan at
Posts: n/a

Old March 5th, 2003, 02:12 PM
1. I still want to see named output formats.

2. Cardvault needs to remember what folder your decks are in by a game
by game basis.

3. A nitpick issue, but when I was playing around with saving an
inventory XML, it used the title of my current deck in the default
name. Didn't seem to make much sense to me.

4. I want like be be able to set Cardvault to use the target value for
all versions of the same card

5. Don't know how exactly when card vault saves the inventory or if it
periodicalyl checkpoints the data automatically, but I would like to
be able to force a save.

6. For selection required tags in a group, I would like an invert option.

7. The what's new list indicates the card view has arrows to navigate
to next/previous card. Don't see 'em. In any case, I would like to
see two sets, one as it supposedly supposed to work, and another to
cycle to different version of the current card.

8. i would like to specify information to appear both in the grid and
the card detail box.

9. I would like to specify an indepent sort order for data in the card
view box in the inventory (since this one shows everything).

10. It would be nice if the grids emphasized every three 3 lines in
some fashion. Would help in reading data across a row.

11. Would like to see the documentation in a single PDF file.

12. This isn't a cardvault problem, but a plea to the various db
authors. In situations where the are multiple versions of the same
card, have an identification field that shows how to recognize which
version (a quick description of card art, copyright date, etc.)
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