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Old May 25th, 2019, 09:24 PM
I bought some content from the content market mainly to see LWD's vision of how things should be structured. When I look at Isle of Kandril, I see detail in the structure. I see individual characters and individual places. When I look at Streets of Zobeck, I see the same thing. Things seem pretty well laid out.

We Be Goblins is basically a collection of scenes, but that's a very small adventure, so no big deal.

Rise of the Rune Lords was a huge disappointment. It's been updated with detail added for locations in Sandpoint, and that's great! But there's still no cast of characters, and I still find that disappointing. Other people may disagree with me on that, and that's to be expected. The point of this isn't to say "MY WAY IS THE BEST WAY!!!"

The point of this is to ask if a feature can be added to the content market where we can see the structure of an adventure. Just the hierarchy. I'm not asking for the content of a topic to be visible, just how the topics are laid out.

I think this request is especially relevant since there's no refund policy. Right now, there's no way for us to see what we're buying, and there's no recourse if we're not happy with it. That makes me wary about buying anything.
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