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Old May 19th, 2018, 07:35 AM
You mean the one that costs $5 and has a rating of 2.2 (out of 5 stars)? No, I haven't. (Of course, it only has 11 ratings so far, so I don't consider that a statistically significant sampling size, but it's all I've got.)

I've been learning Swift via the Playgrounds app and an online video from Stanford University (the videos of an instructor teaching Swift Programming are pretty good up to the third week of class). But Swift v4 is out and most of the resources are outdated. I've found the biggest problem isn't learning Swift -- it's a pretty easy language to get into - the problem is that almost all of the UI libraries are in Objective-C and there's not much in the way of documentation for using those libraries from Swift.

Still, how tough could it be? A list of combatants with initiative and Dev modifiers, an option to "advance" the initiative with an "undo" feature so I can go back in time , and an option to add an effect with a particular duration (so that spells and such can be tracked). Added bonus would be the ability to import a portfolio (should be pretty easy given that it's just a zip file and there are only two fields needed for each PC).

I've got some time in June; we'll see what I come up with. Worst case, there will be a GitHub repo with the code that other people can use to learn basic Swift.
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