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Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Texas
Posts: 87

Old August 30th, 2018, 11:36 AM
Here is the full script. It was copied directly from the Monk Martial Arts information. I did make some changes to it to accommodate the Pugilist Fist Fighting table. That works just fine. I am having trouble adding a check for the Grappler and Tavern Brawler feats that add one level to determine unarmed damage.

~ If we're not shown, just get out now
doneif (tagis[Helper.ShowSpec] = 0)

~ If we're disabled, do nothing
doneif (tagis[Helper.Disable] <> 0)

~ first we have to establish our benchmark, based on our level
~ all comparisons are made assuming that the wielder is medium,
~ because
~ that is what wMain tags assume. Damage dice are then adjusted up

~ or down
~ appropriately based on size.
if (field[xAllLev].value >= 23) then
~ Medium folks get 1d12 at this level. Avg = 6.5
field[wDieCount].value = 1
field[wDieSize].value = 12
field[abValue].value += 6.5
elseif (field[xAllLev].value >= 18) then
~ Medium folks get 1d10 at this level. Avg = 5.5
field[wDieCount].value = 1
field[wDieSize].value = 10
field[abValue].value += 5.5
elseif (field[xAllLev].value >= 12) then
~ Medium folks get 1d8 at this level. Avg = 4.5
field[wDieCount].value = 1
field[wDieSize].value = 8
field[abValue].value += 4.5
elseif (field[xAllLev].value >= 6) then
~ Medium folks get 1d6 at this level. Avg = 3.5
field[wDieCount].value = 1
field[wDieSize].value = 6
field[abValue].value += 3.5
elseif (field[xAllLev].value >= 3) then
~ Medium folks get 1d4 at this level. Avg = 2.5
field[wDieCount].value = 1
field[wDieSize].value = 4
field[abValue].value += 2.5
~ Medium folks get 1d1 at this level. Avg = 1
field[wDieCount].value = 1
field[wDieSize].value = 1
field[abValue].value += 1

var act_level as number

~ Checking for Grappler or Tavern Brawler feats
if (#hasability[fGrappler] <> 0) then
act_level += 1
if (#hasability[ft5CTaverB] <> 0) then
act_level += 1

var v_text as string

call wMainText

field[abText].text = v_text
act_level = field[xAllLev].valueact_level
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