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Old December 24th, 2015, 08:03 AM
MNBlockHead and King Chicken were commenting in another thread that their styles have changed over time. And this has been mentioned by others in the past. What are you doing differently now? How much work was it to change your process?

I still chop articles up more than I need to.... But not every sentence like I did for the first several months. This is one of the most common changes I've seen from people as they become more familiar with RW. They start keeping paragraphs and pages together because it just reads better. Especially for reference materials.

I have separate topics for many NPCs or monster bosses. But in the areas they are encountered I now include stat blocks and herolab portfolios as a quick reference with a link back to their full topic if I need the bigger picture.

I've added a tag to everything for source which wasn't there at the start. That's over 1500 entries that I updated which would have been an auto-fill if I had done it from the start. But now I can create views of modules or regions easily so I can home in on the content around the characters quickly.

After countless changes, I've settled on a standard stat block look using RW tables that doesn't require cutting/pasting from Excel and is easier to modify in RW.

When I add a mob to an encounter or a module, I add it to my bestiary. Sure I could wait (and wait and wait) for the official ones from the Marketplace, but the reality is I only need immediate access to those that are in play.

I've given myself permission to create skeletons and to bounce around. Add all the areas for the dungeon/town/encounter, then flesh out each area with sidetracking for NPCs, mobs, traps, items, etc. I used to focus on one thing like doing all of the rooms, but the other things never caught up....
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