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Old July 1st, 2018, 01:01 PM
Hi all,

I am new to Realm Works and am on my trial here so I thought I'd ask a couple questions. I did do some forum searches before this, but didn't have a ton of luck with what I wanted to do.

Up till now I have used OneNote for my DM notes and while they are extremely versatile, the very limited viewing options (aka one screen at a time only) has been really restrictive for me of late. RW, so far, is the only campaign management I've seen that supports multiple tabs.

1) Is there a quick list of keybinds somewhere? It seems like a lot of the speed and functionality of RW is in keybinds, but that a non-zero number of them are either non-intuitive or non-documented. Specifically I'm looking for quick ways to "open in new tab" (I was surprised CTRL-Click didn't do this.) And also "Create new item as child of current" - basically what CTRL-Q does, but it always defaults to No Container, which slows down my workflow. Speed of data entry is critical for me if I'm going to switch to this.

2) Is there a global search anywhere? One of OneNote's really great features is its ability to search multiple books quickly. I was surprised to note that when I searched in RW, it seems like it's restricted to the current "volume". For example, I added Magic Missiles as a spell in the Mechanics Reference section. But if I do a CTRL-SHIFT-F search for Magic Missile while I'm in an article in the World Almanac section, it finds nothing. Is there a global search I'm missing?

And lastly
3) Any suggestion on running encounters in RW? I don't use HeroLab as I find it's encounter interface to be too slow and clunky. So often times in One Note, I'll say "Room W2 has an encounter with 5 twig blights and a druid", so I simply copy their stat blocks onto the page together, and off I go. Here, Stat blocks seem to be handled in child windows one at a time with a semi-clunky editor. So anyone else have any suggestions for how to quickly have all of the relevant stats for a given encounter on-screen at once?

Thanks for your help!
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