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traderjim at
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Old September 30th, 2002, 11:40 AM
I just got your product and I would like to say excellent job...

And of course everyone has an suggestion to make your product

1. Card/Figure Images.
I know that this would make the distribution just HUGE, but as a
retailer I have a complete image library of all our cards. Maybe just
a image field so the end user can define where the image is... ie

2. Resizable screens.
I noticed that you can't MAX/MIN the inventory screen... That would
be nice. :-)

3. Importing of current inventory files (Excel, Access, etc)
I haven't found a way to import my existing inventory in to card
vault. This is VERY important to me as I have thousands of cards in
my inventory... So if I over looked it, please let me know...

4. Authoring Kit.
When is your Authoring kit going to be available? I'm pretty eager to
get my hands on it.

5. Your card numbers aren't based on 3 card numbers, so when you
order by card number you get...

103 ...

6. The batch edit for Sell price and Buy price don't work...

7. Could you please add some keyboard functionallity? i.e. Hitting
return takes you to the next field (in inventory manager)

8. Multi-inventory options?

9. Import to Excel by Exporting XML give an error about extra
charactors for LOTR.

You have a great product here, I just hope that you can keep up with
the public/retailer demand...

One more thing, when is your website going to show some thing other
then "under construction" for most of the features?


--Trader Jim

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