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Old August 28th, 2016, 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by Gelfarin View Post
I am not a programmer of any kind, yet I love using Hero Lab for character creation. However, I can only use it a little, especially now that my gaming group is doing Savage Rifts. I don't believe Hero Labs is a "dead product" but rather needs to be updated to become more user friends. I do agree that something simple such as the "create edge" option is perfect. The same for all the other features. When you create it, make it so that you can save it permanently to the file so it doesn't have to be created each time. I can't think of a good reason this can't be done other than the initial investment in time by our programmers. However, think about the huge amount of time that would be saved by all the other "users" out there who could readily share their files with everyone else. I'd gladly share as I'm not shy about putting in the work. I am shy about the learning curve to learn how to program for just this product.
I'd just like to note that, depending on what additions one wants to add, the latter can be overstated. While they do use the Editor, there are a lot of things that are pretty much trivial to learn to add to HL, that can be added just by copying a similar things and changing a couple of lines and toggles. As an example, when creating a new monster in SW, the most complicated thing you'll have to learn to do for the most part is how to bootstrap abilities; the rest of it is mostly self-evident when you look at an extent monster file, and much of it is just using selectors.

The less something looks like something a given game system has already done, the more you find yourself out on the hinterlands of having to actually figure out the syntax of things like eval scripts and the like, and that does get into some actual coding. But its possible to overrepresent how often and how much a routine user has to do that (as in, for many people the answer can be "not at all").
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