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Join Date: Aug 2015
Location: Seattle, WA
Posts: 89

Old September 30th, 2016, 01:07 AM
DMs vary in style, and I suspect many customers in RealmsWorks tend to utilize more heavily scripted, pre-planned campaigns or adventure paths rather than sandboxes.

Be that as it may, there are many DMs that create content on the fly with random generators. Even pre-planned campaigns have random events, or at least random weather as requested before.

Here's an example of a competing product (competing on some features, not on others) that now generates random content for the DM to use: Campaign Logger Introduces New Features, including random fantasy names, random villages and random NPCs. There are DMs out there who use features like these (besides me), and RW is missing out.

Currently one option in RW is to make a link to a data file for something like Inspiration Pad Pro. This works well for something like random encounters, events or weather. Include the resource/table link as a topic in the location, boom.

This has a few issues:
1. The results don't reference other data in RW.
2. The results aren't stored in RW.

Problem 2 is solved with cut and paste, though cumbersome and contrary to the ideal operation of one program for campaign management. Problem 1 can't be solved with an external solution like this.

Ideally, I'd like to be able to define random tables, and reference them as DEFAULTS in a topic category. Then, creating a new topic would have those snippets automatically populated.
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